
The Hollywood Edge Songtexte
Medium Crowd Reacts Disappointed - Ooh!



  1. Body Falls Into Water - With Splash 2
  2. 9mm Uzi Automatic Fire 2 - Bullet Hits Metal - Gun
  3. Body Falls Into Water - With Splash 1
  4. Soda Pour Into Empty Glass # 2: W/Fizz
  5. Crash 13 [Special mix]
  6. Coin Return Empty Slot Movement
  7. Rain - Splatty Drops Off Roof
  8. Baby Moaning With Pleasure
  9. 35mm Still Camera - Multiple Shots 2
  10. Medium Crowd Reacts Disappointed - Ooh!
  11. 1940's Prop Plane by Low Overhead Left to Right
  12. Doorbell - Low-Pitched 1x
  13. Small Group of Kids Laugh, Giggle
  14. Police Wailer Siren - By, Action Left to Right Fast, Away to Distant Perspective and Off
  15. Zipper # 2
  16. Zipper # 6
  17. Phone Rings - Bell-Type Desk Phone 2
  18. Black Powder Musket 5 - Single Shot - Powerful With Lighter Powder Load, More Ring Off Than Fx 21 - Gun
  19. Phone Rings - Bell-Type Desk Phone 1
  20. Bubble Blow, with Loud Gum Chews
  21. Rotary Phone Dial '6'
  22. Hammer 2
  23. Rotary Phone Dial '2'
  24. Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 4 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off With Wind Down
  25. Engine Shut Off With Long Diesel
  26. Synth - High-Pitched Tone by With Echo
  27. Hammer 1
  28. Bus Door - Manual Open With Squeak and Close Close Perspective
  29. Firecracker Explosions 1 - Five Various Takes One Burst With No Fuse
  30. Ax Impact Into Wood 2
  31. Fart # 3
  32. Fart # 7
  33. 2 Flash Bulbs, Large - Pops With Crackle - Camera
  34. Kick - Body Hit 1 - With Sharp Thud
  35. Waterfall, Small 1 - Rapid, With Big Splashy Drops, Close Perspective
  36. Sheet Movement (Bed Being Made)
  37. 1940's Single Prop Plane Idles, Close Perspective
  38. Crash 2 [Special mix]
  39. Full Sink Draining
  40. Lawnmower Engine - 3, 5 Horsepower With Low Rpm's, Medium Perspective, Steady, With Rotating Blade
  41. Model T - Start, Variable Slow Steady, Suspension Rattles Over Bumps and at Slow Speed
  42. Motorized Shop Tool - Lathe - Turn on, Steady and Off With Wind Down
  43. Worming a Cannon
  44. Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 3
  45. Door, Metal - Open/Close
  46. Windshield Wipers - Heavy Truck Slow Speed, Close Perspective
  47. Swish 9 - Single
  48. Door, Heavy Screen - Open/Close With Rattle
  49. Nose Blow, Comical, # 1
  50. Ar-15 Automatic Rifle 2 - Single Shot - Gun
  51. Crash 9 [Special mix]
  52. Black Powder Musket 4 - Single Shot - Powerful With Less Ring Off Than Fx 20 - Gun
  53. Punch - Body Hit 1 - With Thud
  54. Fountain 2 - Large, Public Park Type - Water
  55. V-8 Car, Large - Medium Short in, by, Then Medium Short Out
  56. M-16 Automatic Machine Gun - Fire, Short
  57. Sink Faucet # 2: On, Fill, Off
  58. Gambling Casino Background - Voices, Roulette Wheel, Chips Movement, Bells Ring, Close to Distant Perspective
  59. Heavy Gusting Wind Howling
  60. Large Interior Crowd (Auditorium) - Applause Only
  61. Heavy Wind Gusts, Sand
  62. 8 Gauge Shotgun - Single Blast With Ring Off
  63. Dolphin Chirps
  64. Thunder With Medium Splatty Rain
  65. Car Hood Open and Close - Mercedes, Close Perspective
  66. Air Pumps Into Arm Band (Blood Pressure Cuff), Then Releases
  67. Police Radio, Female Dispatcher
  68. Bull Whip Crack 1 - With Swish
  69. Gurney Being Wheeled Down Interior Hallway
  70. Door, Light Screen - Open/Close With Squeak
  71. Creaks - Hinges on Closet Door
  72. Bell Tower - 3 Low-Pitched Bells
  73. 357 Magnum Pistol Shot 2 - Medium Perspective More Ring Off Than Fx 28 - Gun
  74. Ski Slides to a Stop in Snow
  75. Phone Rings - Foreign Bell-Type 1
  76. Bull Roar
  77. Flanged Oscillating Tones
  78. Coin Remove From Pay Phone Coin Return
  79. Heavy Wind Whistling
  80. Thunder With Drizzle Swells & Wind
  81. Air Brake Hiss 3 - Large Truck, Higher-Pitched Than Fx 93, Close Perspective
  82. Ak-47 Automatic Rifle 2 - Single Shot - Shorter, Higher Pitched and Less Reverberant Than Fx 40 - Gun
  83. Three Bites, Hard Crunchy Food
  84. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 4 - With Short Gush Impact
  85. Small Piece of Wood Cracks as It Is Broken
  86. Volkswagen Bug, Interior - Start, Reverse, Stop, Accelerate to 45 MPH Steady, then Slow to Stop
  87. Bottle Rocket 2 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst
  88. Canary Sings
  89. Subway Train, Stairwell Perspective - In and Stop With Brake Squeals, Doors Op Cl
  90. Soda Can Open # 1: W/Carbonation Fizz
  91. Exotic Jungle Ambience - Birds, Monkeys & Insects
  92. Toilet Flush # 2: Old Type
  93. Nose Blow, Comical # 2
  94. Cartoon Boing, Jews Harp # 1
  95. Door, Half Glass/Wood 2 - Open/Close
  96. Train, Exterior Perspective - Steady, With Constant Rail Clicks, Metal Rattles and Bells By
  97. Pump Motor, Small, Running Steady
  98. Car Tire Squeal, Short
  99. Synth Spaceship by 3 - Fast, L to R
  100. Water Cooler Glubs
  101. Forest Ambience 3 - Birds, Frogs, Light Wind
  102. Phone Receiver - Hang-Up With Bell Ring
  103. Door, Wood Cabinet - Close With Bounce 3
  104. Wood - Falls Onto Hard Surface
  105. Sneeze # 2: Wet
  106. Jogging in Snow - Crunchy Footsteps
  107. Helicopter Close Perspective - Steady Blade Thwop
  108. Swarm of Flies, Close
  109. Match Strike & Ignite # 3
  110. 2 Horses Gallop, Stop on Dirt
  111. Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 5 - Water
  112. Car Crash - Peel Out, Hits Wall, Away
  113. Ice Clinks in Glass # 9: No Liquid
  114. Rain - Light & Drizzling
  115. Creaks - Slow Rocking, Wooden Boat
  116. Baby Playing, Short Breath
  117. Phone Rings - Antique Bell-Type 1
  118. Vicious Wolf Growls & Snarls
  119. Woman Gasps # 2
  120. Stream, Small 1 - Gentle and Babbling Ascending Drips, Close - Water
  121. Woman Gasps # 1
  122. Synth Bug Fly by's
  123. Black Powder Musket 7 - Single Shot - Powerful - Closer Perspective Than Fx 23 - Gun
  124. Foot Stomps Hard on Racquetball Court 3
  125. Six Bites, Raw Vegetables
  126. Body Falls Off From Chair
  127. Synth - Rising Multi-Pitched Tone
  128. Train Through Tunnel Medium Speed, Exterior Side of Train Perspective
  129. Egg Timer - Rapid Clicks
  130. Male Grunt # 10: Punch Reaction
  131. Crash 10 [Special mix]
  132. Punch - Face Hit 2 - Sharp Impact
  133. Balloon Deflating, Small
  134. Multiple Lions Growl Softly
  135. Rain Splattering in Gutter
  136. Fire - Medium, Roar With Crackles
  137. Baby Whines and Cries, With Huffs and Puffs
  138. Ice Clinks in Glass # 2: No Liquid
  139. Slurp # 2
  140. Rumble - Heavy, Underwater 1
  141. Intermission, Young Adults, Busy Chatter
  142. Large Dog Barks, Interior
  143. Doppler Horn by, Left to Right - Semi-Truck
  144. Slurp # 1
  145. Car Horn Beeps - High Double-Pitched, From Small Car, Various Lengths
  146. Servo Motor 4 - Fluctuating Speeds
  147. Pig Squeals #2
  148. Slurp # 4
  149. Cannon Ball Whiz, Left to Right
  150. Door, Small, Heavy Metal - Open With Squeak
  151. Slurp # 3
  152. Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Buzzer 4
  153. Car Door Open and Close 3 - Lincoln Town Car Close Perspective; More Gentle Than Fx 54
  154. Swish 27 - Double
  155. Heavy Gusts Whip Sand and Grass - Wind
  156. Bus, Exterior; By L to R With Stop
  157. Drawer, Silverware, Full - Slide Open/Close
  158. Mustang 5, 0 V-8 - Start Close Perspective, Long Idle, Put in Gear, Short Rev and Peel Out
  159. Restaurant Large, Large Crowd, Busy
  160. Doorbell - Low-Pitched 2x
  161. Black Powder Musket 6 - Single Shot - Powerful With Heavier Powder and More Ring Off Than Fx 22 - Gun
  162. Car Door Open and Close 4 - Bmw, Close Perspective
  163. Air Horn Blasts - Large Truck, Low-Pitched, Close Perspective
  164. Medium Piece of Wood Cracks as It Is Broken
  165. Mantle Clock - Slow Ticks 2
  166. Audience Reactions - 100 Men Laugh With Some Claps - Interior Large Hall, Reverberant
  167. Mantle Clock - Slow Ticks 1
  168. Futzed Phone Receiver - Pick-Up
  169. Saw Mill Ambience
  170. Bubbling Fish Tank, Very Fast
  171. Horse Blow,
  172. Synth Energy Zaps 3 - Multiple Bursts
  173. Saw - Industrial
  174. Door, Screen - Open/Slam With Rattle
  175. Man Screams # 3: Gut-Wrenching W/Fall
  176. Eating Cereal
  177. Car Idle With Fan on, Close Perspective, Fan Shuts Off, Car Continues to Idle, Off at End
  178. Refrigerator Motor on, Steady, Off
  179. Futzed Dial Tone With Push Button Dial
  180. Rotary Phone - Dialing Number, Version 1
  181. Electronic Beeps - Computer
  182. Bell Ding - Egg Timer
  183. Buzzer - 'Space Alarm' Warning
  184. Bubbles - Underwater 1
  185. Sports - Person Shooting Baskets and Dribbling Basketball on Cement
  186. Three Various Body Falls Onto Carpeted Floor
  187. Racquetball Volley With Court Reverb 2
  188. Synth Zap & Whoosh W/Decay
  189. Racquetball Volley With Court Reverb 1
  190. Two Wet Car Bys, With Long Aways, Close to Medium Perspective, 30 Mph Action From Left to Right
  191. Garbage Disposal # 1: Ons/Offs, Dry
  192. Skiing 4 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop
  193. Refrigerator Door Open/Close
  194. Hawk Screech #1
  195. Rottweiler Vicious Growls, Snarls
  196. Hawk Screech #2
  197. Outdoor Market, Med Crowd, Busy Milling
  198. Swish 24 - Single
  199. 16mm Projector - Start, Steady, Off
  200. Bell Ding - Elevator 1
  201. Ice Clinks in Glass # 4: No Liquid
  202. Traffic, Residential or Light City, Medium Close to Distant Perspective, Distant Siren, Plane, Voices
  203. Heavy Wind Whistling, Brush
  204. Toilet Flush # 1: Modern Type
  205. Rumble 1 - Low Frequency
  206. Wood - Small Piece Is Crunched
  207. Puppies Whine & Whimper
  208. Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 5 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off
  209. Air Brake Hiss 2 - Large Truck, Close Perspective
  210. 1986 Toyota Celica - In Fast and Stop on Dirt Close Perspective, Away With Small Peel Out
  211. Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 1
  212. Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 5
  213. 2 Flash Bulbs, Large - Glassy Crack & Sizzle - Camera
  214. Car Alarm - Rapid, High-Pitched Whooper Siren Steady, Without Honks, Close Perspective
  215. Country Night Ambience 2 - Crickets & Frogs, Calm
  216. Bullet Impact Sweetener 6 - Into Flesh
  217. Door, Industrial - Electric - Close
  218. Electrical Zaps & Arcs - 4 Varied
  219. Car Hood Open and Close - Bmw Hydraulic Hood With Piston Hiss, Close Perspective
  220. Agatated Breathing, Close
  221. Synth Comet Whoosh By
  222. Ice Clinks in Glass # 7: No Liquid
  223. Baby Laughs, Giggles and Sputters
  224. Soda Fizz
  225. 2 Lion Cubs, Small Growls
  226. Mexican Megaphone
  227. Water Going Down Drain # 1
  228. Elephant Trumpeting
  229. Futzed Busy Signal 1
  230. Futzed Busy Signal 2
  231. Bell Tower - Classic Church Bells
  232. Very Short Cannon Ball Whiz
  233. Explosion 1 - Medium Sized, Sharp
  234. Truck Door Open and Close, Close Perspective
  235. Synth Whoosh - Fast, Low Frequency
  236. Creak - Thick Rope Stretch or Twist
  237. Small Group of Men Shout Angry Chant
  238. Creaks - Hinges on Secretary Desk
  239. Lincoln Town Car - In and Skid to Stop on Pavement With Tire Screech
  240. Racquetball Serve - Hard Hit With Reverb 1
  241. Liquid Pour Into Glass of Ice # 2
  242. Swish 16 - Double
  243. Rumble 2 - Low Frequency
  244. Synth Energy Zaps 12 - Air Whoosh Burst
  245. Night Jungle Ambience 2 - Insects & Crickets, Calm
  246. Medium Cold Wind, Trees
  247. Night Ambience 2 - Heavy Crickets & Insects, Close
  248. Geese Honks With Movement
  249. Prison Mess Hall, Large Crowd, Busy
  250. Synth - Whoosh Sweetener
  251. Silly Laugh, Male
  252. Heavy Gusts, Grass Movement - Wind
  253. Liquid Pour Into Glass of Ice # 1
  254. Winchester Rifle Cock - Gun
  255. Laugh, Close Female
  256. Squeaks - Heavy Wood Window Sliding
  257. Whistles, Short, Multiple
  258. Electricity Arc 2
  259. 1987 Chevrolet Corsica - Long in Medium Fast Close Perspective Smooth Stop, Idle, Off
  260. Briefcase Open & Close W/Latch
  261. Synth Energy Zaps 9 - Short Burst
  262. Rifle Shot 3 - Boomy, With Ring Off [Special mix] - Gun
  263. Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 1
  264. Racquetball Court Door Open and Close
  265. Swish 15 - Single
  266. Porsche - Start Close, Accelerate to Long Medium Speed (45 MPH) Steady, Accelerate to Highway Steady
  267. Pottery Drop & Break
  268. Skiing 3 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop
  269. 2 Horses Milling on Dirt
  270. Keys Into and Out of Ignition, Then Buzzer, Close Perspective; Also Useful for Door Buzzer
  271. Woman Screams # 2: Piercing
  272. Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Into Gutter
  273. Car False Starts, V-8, Close Perspective - Several Attempts, One Successful Start but Immediately Dies
  274. Swish 5 - Single
  275. Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 1
  276. Door, Half Glass/Wood 3 - Open/Close Long
  277. Medium Crowd of Adults Laugh, Some Footsteps, Close to Distant Perspective
  278. Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 2
  279. Transmission Gear Grinds
  280. Pistol Dry Fire, Multiple - Gun
  281. Large Interior Audience Reactions - Laughing and Chuckling 2 - Heavier Reaction Than Fx 20
  282. Car Alarm - Rapid, High-Pitched Whooper Siren Steady, With Single Horn Honks, Close Perspective
  283. Ski Lift 2 - Cable Constant With Squeaking
  284. Skiing 1 - On Rough Icy Snow With Stop
  285. Swimming 1 - Underwater
  286. Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 3
  287. Drill - Electric
  288. Glider, Interior Perspective - In Flight, Steady Wind Roar, More Whistling Than Fx 26 - Plane
  289. Sports - Throw Bowling Ball With Roll Down Alley and Hit Pins 4
  290. Federal Air Horn Siren - Long Steady With Good Tail Out
  291. Punch - Face Hit 3 - Sharp Impact
  292. Sword Shing 4 - Sword Runs Against Each Other
  293. Water Laps 2 - Lake Water Laps by a Dock With Some Surging Waves
  294. Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 2 - With Slight Flop
  295. Dog Grinks Water From Bowl
  296. Small Interior Crowd - Applause of About 20 People - Close Perspective
  297. Door, Metal - Open/Slam
  298. Pay Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 1
  299. Woman Screams # 1: Close Single
  300. Pay Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 3
  301. Synth Spaceship Approach, in & By 2
  302. Mercedes - Start Close Perspective, in Gear, and Peel Out on Pavement With Tire Squeal, Long Away
  303. Pay Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 2
  304. Synth Spaceship Approach, in & By 1
  305. Single Sword Hit 2 - Higher Pitched Than Fx 25 With Ring Out
  306. Waterfall, Large - Very Rapid Fine Mist Roar
  307. Servo Motor 2 - On, Off - Varied Speeds
  308. Amazon Jungle Ambience 2 - Birds & Insects
  309. Fire - Large, Roar With Crackles
  310. Sports - Aluminum Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 3
  311. Highway Traffic, Light - Close Perspective, Cars, Trucks With Doppler Horns, Tire Whine and Rattles
  312. Sword Twang 1 - Sword Plucked With Short Ring Out
  313. Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts Without Decay
  314. Futzed Operator Message 4
  315. Model Airplane, Close to Medium Perspective - Start, Run and Off
  316. Swish 21 - Electronic
  317. Hamburgers Fry on Grill
  318. Chickens Cackle
  319. 4 Horses Gallop on Dirt
  320. Body Falls Onto Racket Ball Court, Reverberant
  321. Wind Chimes - Metal
  322. Hawk Call #2
  323. Night Jungle Ambience 1 - Unusual Birds & Insects
  324. Power Yacht, Large - Steady - Boat
  325. Glove Compartment Door Open and Close, Metal Clicks and Knob Turns, Close Perspective
  326. Fast Food Restaurant, Large Crowd, Busy
  327. Lincoln Town Car - In and Skid to Stop on Pavement With Small Tire Screech
  328. Crash 1 [Special mix]
  329. Wind Chimes - Pentatonic
  330. Mischievous Laugh
  331. Bone Break 4
  332. Wood - Break or Shatter
  333. Ski Boots - Walking in Snow
  334. Splash or Dive Into Water 4
  335. Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 1 - Water
  336. Bone Break 5
  337. Bone Break 6
  338. Swimming 4 - Back Stroke
  339. Hand Brake Set With Clicks and Release - Bmw
  340. Subway Train, Close Perspective - In and by With Rail Clicks, Then Long Away
  341. Soda Pour Into Glass of Ice W/Fizz
  342. Bone Break 1
  343. Fire - Small Wood
  344. Skier Approaches and Jumps
  345. Jet, Large, by - Long in and by Close, Right to Left, Then Long Away - Plane
  346. Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 4 - With Flop
  347. Bone Break 2
  348. Baby Feeding, With Breathing and Grunts
  349. Crash 8 [Special mix]
  350. Bone Break 3
  351. Swish 7 - Single
  352. Drips, Small, Fall Onto Metal Pan - Water
  353. Male Grunt # 7: Punch Reaction
  354. Synth Alien Screams 2
  355. Sword Twang 2 - Sword Plucked With Long Ring Out
  356. Car Door Open and Close 1 - 1987 Chevrolet Corsica, Interior, Close Perspective
  357. Bullet Impact Sweetener 4 - Into Flesh
  358. Blow Dryer on Low, Dry Hair, Off
  359. Night Jungle Ambience 4 - Insects & Cicadas
  360. Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 2
  361. Black Powder Musket 3 - Single Shot - More Powerful and More Ring Off Than Fx 18 or 19 - Gun
  362. Mustang 5, 0 V-8 - Short Idle Then Medium Acceleration (Stick Shift) to Moderate RPM Steady
  363. Liquid Pour Into Glass of Ice & Swirl
  364. V-8 Car - Start, Accelerate to High RPM, Racy Steady, High Speed Accels, Smooth Engine Stick Shift
  365. Polaroid Camera Ejecting Picture
  366. Spacecraft Launch With Futzed Countdown, Then Roaring Lift Off
  367. Single Dead Sword Hit - With No Ring Out
  368. Sexy Female Moans Ans Groans
  369. Processed Air Release 2
  370. Airport, Interior - Pa Announcements and Pages Voices and Footsteps Close to Distant, Luggage
  371. Insert Magazine Into Ak-47 - Gun
  372. Diving Board Bounce With Ring Off
  373. Wood Shop Ambience
  374. Duck Quacks
  375. Gong - Scrape With Reverb & Ring-Out
  376. Synth Spaceship by 1 - Fast, R to L
  377. Modern Car Hood Open and Close, Close Perspective
  378. Bottle Rocket 5 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst
  379. Bullet Bounces Off Heavy Metal Plate 3
  380. Pistol or Rifle Shot 1 - Sharp [Special mix] - Gun
  381. Wood - Multiple Bullet Impacts Into
  382. M-60 Automatic Machine Gun Bursts 2 - Medium Perspective
  383. Reverse Ricochet 1
  384. Large Dog Growls, Sneezes
  385. Jet, Large, Exterior Perspective - Take Off and Away - Plane
  386. Woman Crying, Reacting 'No!'
  387. Rain by, Close Perspective - Slowly, Left to Right
  388. Processed Werewolf Growls
  389. Motorized Shop Tool - Sander (Belt) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Short Wind Down
  390. School Bell - Short Exterior
  391. Buzzer - Apartment Door
  392. Punch - Body Hit 4 - With Sharp Thud
  393. Zipper # 1
  394. Zipper # 5
  395. Phone Rings - Bell-Type 3; Trimline
  396. 9mm Uzi 2 - Single Shot With Debris Fall, Lower Pitched Than Fx 55 - Gun
  397. Rotary Phone Dial '7'
  398. Herd of Cows Mooing
  399. Rotary Phone Dial '3'
  400. Punch - Face Hit 7 - Sharp Impact
  401. Coins Dropping Out of Slot Machine
  402. Gate, Old Type Elevator - Open & Close
  403. Bullet Bounces Off Heavy Metal Plate 2
  404. Bullet Bounces Off Heavy Metal Plate 1
  405. Heavy Wind Rumbling
  406. Cable Car by Close With Bell Ring, Loud Metal Rail Thumps
  407. Spitting, Male
  408. Squeaks - Metal Screen Door 1
  409. Ax Impact Into Wood 3
  410. Squeaks - Metal Screen Door 2
  411. Peacock Calls
  412. Fart # 2
  413. Fart # 6
  414. Power Yacht 4 - Cruise Steady - Boat
  415. Waterfall, Medium 2 - Very Rapid Fine Mist Roar
  416. 12 Gauge Shotgun - Blast With Ring Off
  417. Police Wailer Siren - Long Steady, Close Perspective
  418. Parrot Squawks
  419. Exotic Rain Forest With Gorilla Calls
  420. Rooster Crows, 2x
  421. Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 2
  422. Male Grunt # 9: Punch Reaction
  423. River, Medium 1 - Medium-Fast Running With Roar - Water
  424. Medium Wind, Whistling Gusts
  425. Baby Sucking Pacifier
  426. Sword Twang 3 - Sword Plucked With Long Ring Out
  427. Snore # 3
  428. Water Plops in Metal Bucket
  429. Snore # 2
  430. Snore # 1
  431. Shopping Mall, Interior, General Activity
  432. 1986 Toyota Celica - In Fast and Stop With Brake Squeals, Close Perspective, Off
  433. Helicopter, Medium Distant Perspective - In and By
  434. Male Grunt # 2: W/Exhale
  435. Sheep Baa
  436. Windshield Wipers - Bmw Exterior, Modulating Servo Whine Light Thumps and Soft Scraping Sound
  437. Traffic, Wet Highway, Light to Medium Busy
  438. Heart Beat, Fluctuating
  439. Bullet Ricochet Off Dirt 1
  440. Bullet Ricochet Off Dirt 2
  441. Phone Rings - Foreign Bell-Type 2
  442. Bullet Ricochet Off Dirt 3
  443. Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 5 - With Flop
  444. Yelper Siren - Multiple Short on and Offs, Close Perspective
  445. Medium Interior Crowd (Intermission) - Busy Murmur, Some Pointed Lines, Occasional Footsteps By
  446. Swamp Ambience 3 - Frogs Close, Insects Distant
  447. Woman Screams # 3: Short, Piercing
  448. Medium Exterior Crowd - Applause of About 30-40 People, With Cheers and Hoots 2 - More Active Than Fx 4
  449. Shower Running # 3: Lightly
  450. Buzz 2 - Multi-Pitched Oscillation
  451. Phaser Siren - Close Perspective
  452. Firecracker Explosions 2 - Five Various Takes One Burst With No Fuse
  453. Electronic Beeps - Mid-Range
  454. Ar-15 Full Automatic Rifle - Multiple Shots - Gun
  455. Model T Ford - In Slow, Stop, and Off, Start Close Perspective, Slow Away
  456. River, Medium 2 - Fast Running With Roar - Water
  457. M-60 Automatic Machine Gun Bursts 1 - Good Distinctive Bolt Action
  458. Crash 4 [Special mix]
  459. River, Large 2 - Fast Running With Wide Ambient, Deeper Roar - Water
  460. Creaks - Wooden Floor 3
  461. Card Shuffle 1 - Cards Being Shuffled
  462. Creaks - Wooden Floor 1
  463. Synth Energy Zaps 5 - Single Burst
  464. Civil War Cannon Shot With Long Ring-Off and Slapback Echo
  465. Creaks - Wooden Floor 2
  466. Body Falls Onto Wooden Floor 3 - With Slight Flop
  467. Squeaks - High-Pitched Metal 2
  468. Heavy Wind Howls Thru Grass
  469. Bell Ring - Boxing 2
  470. Passenger Train, Interior Perspective - Steady With Rail Clicks and Metal
  471. M-1 Semi-Automatic Rifle - Fire, Multiple Shots Bullet Shell Casings Drop on Hard Surface - Gun
  472. Water Laps 3 - Lake Water Laps Against Sailboat Cutting Through Water
  473. Helicopter, Medium Close Perspective - Hovering Overhead With Slight
  474. Medium Wind Whistling
  475. Reverse Ricochet 2
  476. Reverse Ricochet 3
  477. Car Window Up and Down, Electric - Bmw, Interior Close Perspective
  478. Phone Rings - Old Style Bell-Type 2
  479. Doors, Warehouse Elevator, 2
  480. Phone Rings - Electronic Pulses, Loud
  481. Squeaks - High-Pitched Metal 1
  482. Synth Martian Voice
  483. M-16 Automatic Machine Gun - Fire, Single Shot With Bolt Action
  484. Crash 7 [Special mix]
  485. Door, Metal - Close With Rattle
  486. Swish 11 - Double
  487. Flash Bulb, Large - Pops With Crackle - Camera
  488. Slap 1
  489. Cessna Prop Plane Take Off
  490. Assembly Line Ambience
  491. Slap 2
  492. Match Strike & Ignite # 2
  493. Metallic Moans - Reverberant
  494. Shower Running # 2: Lightly
  495. Synth - Fast Sequence
  496. Water Trickle 2 - Light Water Splash and Movement
  497. School Bus 2 - Start Up, Emergency Brake Release Then Steady Through Gears With Rattles on a Bumpy Road
  498. Prop Plane Exterior Steady, Small Twin Engine With Revs; Can Play for Interior in Flight
  499. Prison Block Interior, Large Male Crowd Voices
  500. Small Dog Barks, Angry
  501. Swiss Restaurant, Medium Crowd
  502. Creaks - Slow Wood Gate Open & Close
  503. Jet, Large, Exterior Perspective - Taxi and Stop Close, Bell Rings, Wind Down to Idle - Plane
  504. F-15 Fighter Plane Maneuvers Medium to Distant Perspective
  505. Phone Rings - Antique Bell-Type 2
  506. Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 6 - Water
  507. Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Radial Arm) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Long Wind Down and Squeak
  508. Foot Stomps Hard on Racquetball Court 2
  509. Machine Hum - Very Low Frequency
  510. V-8 Car - Start, Close Perspective, Peel Out on Dirt and Away Fast to Distance
  511. Medium Eerie Wind, Shutter Bangs
  512. Door, Walk-In Freezer - Open/Close With Latch
  513. Buzz - Neon Light Transformer
  514. 1983 Chevy V-6 - Idle, Accelerates & Decelerates
  515. Bottle Rocket 6 - Piccolo Whistle and Large Burst [Special mix]
  516. Sneeze # 1: Short 'Choo!'
  517. Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Table) 1 - Turn on Steady, and Off With Long Wind Down
  518. Angry Cat Yowls, Cat Fight
  519. Night Ambience 5 - Hi-Pitched Crickets & Insects Hum
  520. Medium Exterior Crowd - Applause With Boos, Cheers and Yells - Close to Distant Perspective
  521. Vulture Squawks, 2x
  522. Motor 2 - Running Steady
  523. Male Grunt # 6: Punch Reaction
  524. Swish 23 - Single
  525. Pig Squeals #3
  526. Thunder With Light Rain Swells & Wind
  527. Door, Metal - Open & Slam, Reverberant
  528. Ice Into Glass, Then Soda Pour W/Glugs
  529. 357 Magnum Pistol Shot 3 - Close Perspective More Ring Off Than Fx 28 - Gun
  530. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 3 - With Short Gush Impact
  531. Manic Laugh, Male
  532. Synth Gusts - Eerie, Low Frequency
  533. Clicks - Servo Switch - Elevator Shaft
  534. Shower Running # 5: Hard, Then Light
  535. Heart Beat, Slow - 63 Beats Per Minute
  536. Swish 17 - Multiple, Very Fast
  537. Buzzes - Multi-Pitched Oscillations
  538. Two Single Knuckle Cracks
  539. Horn Honks - Jeep Cherokee, Various Lengths
  540. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 7 - Short Gush Impact With Metal Hit
  541. Wood - Large Crash
  542. Swish 26 - Single
  543. Sports - Bowling Alley Ambience - Very Active Pin Re-Set and Ball Retrieval Machines
  544. Suspension Bounces - With Creaks, Squeaks and Movement
  545. Synth Energy Zaps 2 - Tonal With Delay
  546. Kick - Body Hit 2 - With Thud
  547. Phone Rings - Wireless With Rapid Beeps
  548. Swish 20 - Multiple, Very Fast
  549. Ping Pong Volley 1 - Bad Shot at Tail
  550. Sports - [Special mix] Five Various Wood and Aluminum Bats Hitting a Baseball
  551. Gross Eating, Male
  552. 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Long Deceleration From High RPM With Down Shift, Slight Accel Then Slow
  553. Sword Shing 1 - Sword Edges Run Against Each Other
  554. Synth Energy Zaps 10 - 4 Short Bursts
  555. 1964 Cadillac - In Very Slow, then Rough Idle Take Out of Gear, and Off With Long Diesel Clanks
  556. Ice Dropping Into Glass With Liquid
  557. Laser 4 - Medium-Pitched Blast
  558. Bow Wash 1 - Large Boat, 40 ft.
  559. Door, Half Glass/Wood 4 - Open/Close Short
  560. Fire Truck Siren and Close Perspective Horn Honks, Off at Tail
  561. School Bell - Short Interior
  562. Wood - 1 Piece Falls Onto Others 3
  563. Medium Interior Crowd - Boos, Hisses and Very Few Light Claps
  564. Punch - Body Hit 3 - With Sharp Thud
  565. Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 3
  566. Large Interior Crowd - Loud Murmur - Close to Distant Perspective
  567. Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 2
  568. Old Camera Shutter Clicks & Winds 2
  569. Object Being Squashed 3
  570. Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 1
  571. Old Camera Shutter Clicks & Winds 1
  572. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 8 -Short Gush Impact With Metal Hit
  573. Marsh Ambience - Insect Hum, Frogs & Exotic Bird
  574. Doorbell - High-Pitched 2x
  575. Car Door Open and Close 2 - Lincoln Town Car Close Perspective; Good for Police Car or Modern Car Door
  576. Rifle Shot 4 - Boomy, With Casings Drop [Special mix] - Gun
  577. Bells Ring Train Crossing
  578. Swamp Ambience 1 - Large Chorus Frogs w/Insects
  579. Rifle Shot 5 - Midrange, With Echo [Special mix] - Gun
  580. Gagged Woman Struggles to Yell
  581. Toilet Flush # 5: Urinal
  582. Creaks - Wood Rocking Chair
  583. Woman Screams # 5: Short Screech
  584. Baby Vocals, With Spitting and Burrs
  585. Car Door Open and Close 6 - 1964 Cadillac, Large Rusty Door Open and Close With Metal Hinge Creaks
  586. Load and Cock M-14 Rifle - Gun
  587. Drips, Slow and Small, Into Water in Reverberant Space
  588. Servo Motor 3 - On, Off With Motor Whine
  589. Newborn Babies Crying in Hospital Nursery
  590. Traffic, City Street With Footsteps and Voices on Sidewalk
  591. Fountain 1- Large, Home Garden Type - Water
  592. Ski Lift 3 - Ride Constant With Voices
  593. Choking Gasps, Male
  594. Four Bites Into Corn
  595. Group of Dogs Bark & Howl
  596. Power Yacht 6 - Away, Turn Back, by - Boat
  597. Wind-Up Alarm Clock Ticks
  598. Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 2
  599. Motor 3 - Running Steady; Same Motor as Track 48 With Metal Rattles
  600. Bubbling Liquid in Cauldron
  601. Gate, Metal - Roll Close 3
  602. Door, Pneumatic Mechanism - Hiss 2
  603. Flicker, Rhythmic Chirps
  604. V-8 Car - Start, Medium to Close Perspective Idle With Revs, Then Away
  605. Lawnmower Engine - Steady, 9 Horse Power Wisconsin Motor, Slow Idle
  606. 8mm Newsreel Camera - On, Run, Off
  607. Bulldozer Maneuvers
  608. Canning Machine - Steady Chug With Metal Edge.
  609. Water Going Down Drain # 2
  610. Crash 11 [Special mix]
  611. Baby Sneezes
  612. Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 3
  613. Electric Fan # 1: On/Off
  614. Fat Man Laugh # 2: Mischievous
  615. Large Modern Office, Light Activity
  616. Multiple Sheep Baa
  617. Push Button Phone Dial
  618. Juicy Impact 6
  619. Juicy Impact 7
  620. Juicy Impact 4
  621. Juicy Impact 5
  622. Two Cats Meowing
  623. 22 Caliber Pistol Shot 2 - Medium Perspective and More Reverberant Than Fx 25 - Gun
  624. Juicy Impact 2
  625. Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 2
  626. Juicy Impact 3
  627. Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 1
  628. Thin Wooden Door Is Kicked In
  629. Juicy Impact 1
  630. Kick - Body Hit 3 - With Thud
  631. Synth - Gun Ricochet 2, Multi-Pitched
  632. Door, Metal Safe - Close With Latch
  633. Electricity Arc 3
  634. Pay Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 2
  635. Pay Phone Receiver - Pick-Up 1
  636. Grocery Store, Light Activity
  637. Punch - Face Hit 4 - Sharp Impact
  638. Card Shuffle 2 - Multiple Card Shuffle
  639. Coin Drop Into Slot in Pay Phone
  640. Car Hits & Drags Hot Dog Stand
  641. Buzz 1 - Multi-Pitched Oscillation
  642. Jet Landing, Exterior Perspective - Jet in and Land Close With Tire Skids, by Left to Right - Plane
  643. Sword Twang 4 - Sword Plucked With Long Ring Out
  644. Twin-Engine Turbo-Prop Plane Taxi by Right to Left
  645. Police Station, Light Activity
  646. Donkey Brays
  647. Synth Energy Zaps 8 - Triple Burst
  648. Mulcher - Grinding Machine
  649. Stream, Small 2 - Medium-Fast and Babbling Over Rocks - Water
  650. Meadow Lark, Happy Chirps
  651. Door, Shower - Slide Open/Close
  652. Medium Gusts Blowing Leaves - Wind
  653. Low Frequency Synth Hum With Force Field
  654. Civil War Cannon Shot With Long Ring-Off
  655. Cougar Cubs Purr & Whine
  656. School Bell - Long Exterior
  657. Roman Candle Bursts - Two Takes
  658. Turn Signal on and Off - Volkswagen Gti, Close Perspective
  659. Bow Wash 2 - Small Boat, 20 ft.
  660. Synth Spaceship by 2 - Long, R to L
  661. Rain - Light
  662. Drips, Heavy and Splatty, Fall Onto Hard Surface - Water
  663. Swish 28 - Single
  664. Door, Wood 9 - Open/Slam
  665. Tire Skids for Plane Landing X4
  666. Bull Whip Cracks - Five in Rapid Succession
  667. School Bus 1 - Coasting With Rattles on a Bumpy Road, Slows to Stop; Interior Perspective
  668. Baby Hiccups
  669. Body Falls Into Snow
  670. Buzzer - Industrial Door
  671. Morning Park Birds
  672. Rottweiler Vicious Barks, Snarls
  673. Auditorium, Large Crowd, Busy Voices
  674. 22 Caliber Pistol Shot 1 - Close Perspective - Gun
  675. Door, Push Bar - Open/Close, Reverb 5
  676. Rumble 4 - Avalanche
  677. Skier Approaches and Falls Close Up
  678. Elementary School Kids in Hallway, Reverberant - Talking, Yelling, Sneaker Squeaks, Footsteps, Coin Drops
  679. Creaks - Ice, With Reverb
  680. Black Powder Musket 1 - Single Shot - Gun
  681. Futzed Operator Message 3
  682. Dog Eats Hard Crunchy Food
  683. Motorized Shop Tool - Drill Press Motor - Turn on Steady Motor With Rattles
  684. V-8 Car - In Fast and Skid to Stop on Dirt, Close Perspective, then Idle and Off
  685. Creaks - Rope & Metal, Slow Rocking Boat
  686. Wade Through Water 1 - Slow Footsteps in and Out of Shallow Pool
  687. Hawk Call #1
  688. Brass Chimes Jing-A-Ling
  689. Body Slam Into Racquetball Court Hall 1
  690. Lincoln Town Car - Performing Maneuvers on Gritty Asphalt or Dirt With Fast Aways, Peel Outs
  691. Large Group of Kids on Playground - Basketball With Cheers, Yells, Footsteps Running, Distant Traffic
  692. Skiing 5 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop
  693. Reverse Ricochet 4 - 2x Descending
  694. Sparrow Sings
  695. Splash or Dive Into Water 3
  696. Courtroom, Large Crowd Murmur
  697. Punch - Face Hit 1 - Sharp Impact
  698. Punch - Body Hit 2 - With Thud
  699. Rising Multi-Pitched Soundwave 3
  700. River, Small 1 - Water Medium-Fast, Babbling and Smooth Running
  701. Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 2 - Water
  702. Fishing Pole Reels in Line - Various
  703. Swish 10 - Electronic
  704. Door, Heavy Screen - Open/Close With Creaky Spring
  705. Shower Running # 4: Hard, W/Turn Off
  706. Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 1
  707. Crash 16 [Special mix]
  708. Bullet Impact Sweetener 8 - Glass, Debris
  709. Auditorium, Large Male Crowd Murmur
  710. Processed Bull Growls - Short
  711. Drips Fall Into Large Metal Rain Barrel Filled With Water
  712. Doors, Freight Elevator, 2
  713. Coughing Fit, Male
  714. Car Window Up and Down, Electric - Interior Close Perspective
  715. M-14 Automatic Rifle - Single Shot With Clear Distinctive Bolt Action - Gun
  716. V-8 Car - Start, Close Perspective, then Away Medium Fast
  717. Large Older Office, Busy Activity
  718. Desk Top Clock Ticks
  719. Phone Rings - Bell-Type 4; Standard
  720. Electrical High Voltage Sizzle
  721. Baby Gurgles
  722. Synth Energy Zaps 4 - Multiple Bursts
  723. Load and Cock M-16 Rifle - Gun
  724. Night Ambience 4 - Calm Crickets, Distance
  725. 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Fast Accelerate in First Gear to High RPM then Decel & Idle
  726. Bullet Impact Thru Glass With Debris 1
  727. Flash Bulb, Large - Glassy Crack & Sizzle - Camera
  728. Water Laps 1 - Small Size Laps Against a Small Boat
  729. Riot Crowd Yelling, Exterior
  730. Racy Foreign Car - Fast Accels and Decels with Downshifting, Variable Steadys
  731. Male Grunt # 12: Punch Reaction
  732. 16 Gauge Shotgun - Blast With Ring Off
  733. Soda Pour Into Glass W/Glugs & Fizz # 2
  734. Rain on Glass Window in Roof
  735. Rain - Very Heavy
  736. Single Body Fall Onto Concrete
  737. Soda Pour Into Glass W/Glugs & Fizz # 1
  738. Rain - Medium With Distant Traffic
  739. Bus by 1 - Bus Long in With Gear Shifts From Distant Left, and by to the Right With Long Away Gear
  740. Zipper # 4
  741. Rotary Phone Dial '8'
  742. 35mm Slide Projector Slide Clicks
  743. Keys Into and Out of Ignition
  744. Swish 31 - Electronic
  745. Rotary Phone Dial '4'
  746. Double Sword Scrape 1
  747. Rotary Phone Dial '0'
  748. Bullet Impact Sweetener 2 - Heavy Metal Obj
  749. Swish 30 - Single
  750. Laugh, Close Male
  751. Bell Tower - 5 Medium-Pitched Bell Tolls Slow
  752. Fast Chamber Spin - Gun - Revolver
  753. Fart # 1
  754. Fart # 5
  755. Fart # 9
  756. Synth Door Open With Squeak
  757. Large Interior Crowd - Applause of About 50-100 People, With Cheers and Whistles
  758. Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 1 - Turn on, Steady and Off
  759. Church, Large Crowd, Quiet Murmur
  760. Bar, Large, 30 People Chatting
  761. Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 3 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off With Chugs and Air
  762. Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 1
  763. Grinder - Metal
  764. Waves 1 - Calm Ocean or Surf Pounding, Distant Perspective - Water
  765. Rumble 3 - Underwater
  766. Heart Beat, Fast - 106 Beats Per Minute
  767. Waves 3 - Medium-Large Size Waves Crash and Close Out With Foam Hiss, Close - Water
  768. Wood & Glass Crash
  769. Sighs, Four
  770. Futzed Phone Off Hook Signal
  771. Finger-Licking and Lip Smacks
  772. Huey Helicopter, Interior Perspective, With High- And Low-Pitched Whine
  773. Medium Wind 5 - Mid Range Gusts
  774. Sigh, Male
  775. Light Wind 5 - Thru Trees, Birds
  776. Buzzer - Single Electric
  777. Cow Moos, 3x
  778. Hub Cap Falls on Asphalt, Rolls and Spins
  779. Bullet Ricochet Off Metal Surface
  780. Ice Clinks in Glass # 8: No Liquid
  781. Electronic Beep - High-Pitched
  782. Wood - Impact With Debris Fall
  783. Medium Exterior Crowd - Applause of About 30-40 People, With Cheers and Hoots
  784. Synth Tone - Flanging
  785. Water Laps 4 - Calm Laps Against a Boat
  786. Phone Rings - Cricket-Like Pulses
  787. Car's Dash Switches, General
  788. Wind Chimes - Glass
  789. Saw - Hand-Held 1
  790. Jet, 727, Take Off, Interior Perspective - Roar With Engine Whine - Plane
  791. Punch - Face Hit 5 - Sharp Impact
  792. Bell - Department Store Pager
  793. Swish 22 - Multiple Electronic
  794. Synth Energy Zaps 7 - Double Burst
  795. Electric Shaver # 3, on, Shave, Off
  796. Waves 2 - Medium Size Waves Crash and Close Out With Foam Hiss - Water
  797. Ar-15 Semi-Automatic Rifle - Multiple Shots - Gun
  798. Wheezing Coughs, Male
  799. Doppler Car Horn by Approximately 40 Mph Medium Pitched Horn
  800. Swish 8 - Single
  801. Bullet Impact Sweetener 5 - Flesh or Dirt
  802. Laser 2 - Long Oscillating Blast
  803. Bell Ring - Boxing 1
  804. Tennis Ball Machine Shoots Out Ball
  805. Huge Interior Crowd - Applause, Begins With Laughs, Yells and Whistles (Reaction to a Joke Onstage)
  806. Six Crunchy Bites Into Chips
  807. Night Jungle Ambience 3 - Insects & Crickets, Active
  808. 308 Mauser, Single Shot - Gun
  809. Phone Rings - Old Style Bell-Type 1
  810. Gagging Male, Dry Vomit
  811. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 2 - Impact With Gush and Sword Turn
  812. Sword Shing 2 - Sword Edges Run Against Each Other
  813. Ice Clinks in Glass # 10: No Liquid
  814. Flash Bulb, Small - Eject, Shatter - Camera
  815. Male Grunt # 4: Punch Reaction
  816. 1986 Sports Car, 4-Cylinder - Idles, Then Fast Acceleration Through Gears (Stick Shift) To High Speed
  817. Door, Wood Cabinet - Close With Bounce 1
  818. Door, Freezer - Open/Close With Metal Latch
  819. Bull Whip Crack 2
  820. Phone Rings - Bell-Type 1; Standard
  821. Pistol Dry Fire, Single - Gun
  822. Coughs, Close Male
  823. Balloon Inflating, Small
  824. Bottle Rocket 1 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst
  825. Mountain Ambience - Insects & Coyote
  826. Match Strike & Ignite # 1
  827. Tennis Ball Machine - Steady
  828. Thunder Without Rain
  829. Car in Slow to Idle, Then Off, Close Perspective
  830. Sniff # 5
  831. Door, Trailer - Slam With Bounce 1
  832. Huey Helicopter Take Off, Close Perspective, With High-Pitched Whine
  833. Sniff # 4
  834. Phone Dropped on Carpented Surface
  835. Sniff # 3
  836. Sniff # 2
  837. Sniff # 1
  838. Crystal Glasses Clink # 5, Muted
  839. Phone Rings - Antique Bell-Type 3
  840. Whirr - Air Tool Wrench 1
  841. Whirr - Air Tool Wrench 2
  842. Swish 18 - Multiple, Fast
  843. Foot Stomps Hard on Racquetball Court 1
  844. 35mm Still Camera - Click & Wind 2
  845. Crow Caws
  846. Toilet Flush # 3: Old Type
  847. Model T Ford - In and by, Driven in Circles Several Times
  848. 35mm Still Camera - Click & Wind 1
  849. F-111 Fighter - Bomber Plane Slow by With Afterburner on for Away
  850. Edge Trimmer - Steady, 2 Horsepower Briggs and Stratton, With Medium Rpm's
  851. 35mm Still Camera - Click & Wind 3
  852. Medium Crowd of Adults Yell, Shout, Scream and Laugh
  853. Ak-47 Full Automatic Rifle - Multiple Shots - Gun
  854. Synth Bubbles - Very Active
  855. Car Alarm - Fast Oscillator Type, Steady, and Off, Close Perspective
  856. Baby Squeals, Excited, High-Pitched
  857. Eerie Wind Moaning
  858. 100 Men - Chant That Turns Into Cheers and Applause - Interior Large Hall, Reverberant
  859. Light Wind 2 - Wispy, Gusts
  860. Sneaker Squeaks on Racquetball Court 2
  861. Dealer Calls Out Dice Throws
  862. Antique Wind-Up Wall Clock Ticks
  863. Ferry Boat 1 - Cruise Steady
  864. Sneaker Squeaks on Racquetball Court 1
  865. Pile Driver 1
  866. Servo Motor 1 - Varied Switching & Speeds
  867. Night Ambience 1 - Light Crickets & Dog Bark
  868. Rain Splattering in Puddle
  869. Swallow # 3
  870. Ice Clinks in Glass # 3: No Liquid
  871. Swallow # 1
  872. Swallow # 2
  873. Eerie Wind Rumble 2
  874. Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Buzzer 6
  875. Pistol or Rifle Shot 2 - Sharper Than Fx 60, With Ring Off [Special mix] - Gun
  876. Swish 29 - Single
  877. Lion Growls
  878. Drips, Heavy, Fall Into Liquid - Water
  879. Dishwasher on, Run, Off
  880. Coffee Shop Large, Busy
  881. Electrical Sparking
  882. Synth Gun Shot & Ricochet
  883. Rising Soundwaves - 4 Varied
  884. Hospital Respirator
  885. Synth - Rise & Fall, Multi-Pitch Tone
  886. GTO [Special mix] - High Revs and Peel Out With Heavy Tire Squeal and Away on Pavement
  887. Wren Sings
  888. 1983 V-6 Chevy Stick Shift - Start, Revs, Fast Acceleration, Then Decelerate. Accel and Decel a Few Times; City Driving
  889. Wood - 1 Piece Falls Onto Others 2
  890. Jackhammer 1
  891. Classic Pistol Cock - Gun
  892. Rain - Medium on Porch & Plants
  893. 357 Magnum Pistol Shot 1 - Close Perspective - Gun
  894. Object Being Squashed 2
  895. Bullet Impact Sweetener 7 - Into Dirt
  896. Baby Coo
  897. Single Cricket, Sporadic Chirps, Close
  898. Snorting, Obnoxious
  899. Baby Crying Slowly
  900. Wood - Door, Medium Sized, Kicked In
  901. Doorbell - High-Pitched 1x
  902. Low Frequency Pulsating Tone - Varied
  903. Leopard Roars & Growls in Cage
  904. Desk Bell Ring 2
  905. Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 1 - Baseball
  906. Desk Bell Ring 1
  907. Large Exterior Crowd - Idle Ambience or Grandstand - Busy Voices, Activity - Medium-Close to Distant Perspective
  908. Flash Bulb, Instamatic - Click, Sizzle - Camera
  909. Swish 6 - Single
  910. Jackhammer 2
  911. Huge Interior Crowd (Auditorium) - Applause That Becomes Louder With Cheers, Yells and Whistles
  912. Crash 15 [Special mix]
  913. Bells on Door
  914. Bubbles - Big, Slow, Gurgling Up
  915. Cat Meow
  916. Soda Can Open # 2: W/Carbonation Fizz
  917. Car Window Roll Up and Down - Manual Hand Crank Style, Close Perspective
  918. Seagull Cries, 4x
  919. Windshield Wipers - Bmw Exterior, Modulating Servo Whine With Light Thumps and Soft Scraping Sounds
  920. Yelper Siren - Close Perspective
  921. Chainsaw - Construction Site Amb 4
  922. Saw - Power
  923. Wooden Crate Is Ripped Open
  924. P-51 Mustang Prop Plane Start and Sputtering Idle, Rev
  925. Swish 25 - Single
  926. Tennis Shoe Squeaks on Court
  927. Door, Elevator - Open & Close With Ding 3
  928. Crane - Gear Shifts
  929. Descending Soundwaves - 2 Varied
  930. Gate, Metal - Roll Close 2
  931. Male Grunt # 1: Soft
  932. Two Single Body Falls on Bed
  933. Door, Pneumatic Mechanism - Hiss 1
  934. Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 3 - Water
  935. Light Wind 1 - Wispy
  936. Light Wind Whistling, Brush
  937. 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Short Idle Accelerate to High Rpm Variable Steady, Sudden Deceleration w/Backfire
  938. Light Wind 3 - Airy, Gusts
  939. Hospital Nurses Station in Hallway - Voices Pointed Lines, Paper Shuffles, Movement, Pa Announcement
  940. Swish 13 - Single
  941. Garbage Disposal # 2: On/Off W/Water
  942. Racquet Hits 2 on Court Wall
  943. Forest Song Bird, North American
  944. Two Single Foot Stomps or Body Falls Into Mud
  945. Punch - Face Hit 6 - Sharp Impact
  946. Medium Wind 3 - Airy
  947. Bottle Rocket 7 - Piccolo Whistle and Large Burst, Distant Perspective [Special mix]
  948. Golf Club Swing & Hit Ball - 3 Takes
  949. Shutter Clicks With Advance, Hasselblad - Camera
  950. Bell Tower - Fast Traditional Melody
  951. Crash 5 [Special mix]
  952. Gas Stove on, Ignite, Off
  953. Drips, Splatty, Fall Onto Leaves - Water
  954. Large Interior Audience Reactions - Laughing - Heavier Reaction Than Fx 20 and 21
  955. Door, Warehouse - Roll Close 1
  956. Fat Man Laugh # 1: Evil
  957. Woodpecker Chirps
  958. 1988 V-8, Car - Idle, Close Perspective
  959. Single Sword Hit 1 - With Slight Ring Out
  960. Door - Locker - Open/Close With Bangs/Rattles
  961. Women's Dressing Room
  962. Hospital - Metal Food Cart Being Wheeled Down Hallway, With Various Rattles
  963. Large Dog Barks & Growls
  964. Futzed Foreign Phone Ring
  965. Airport, Exterior - Loading Area With Medium Distant Traffic and Jet Idles, Luggage Cart by Voices
  966. Flash Bulb, Very Large - Crack & Sizzle - Camera
  967. Male Grunt # 3: Punch Reaction
  968. Motorized Shop Tool - Shaper - Turn on, Steady With Intermittent Whines, Off With Short Wind Down
  969. Small Car Engine Suddenly Breaks and Begins to Rattle Loudly as It Idles, Close Perspective
  970. Bullet Impact Sweetener 3 - Into Wood
  971. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 5 - With Very Short Almost Dry Impact
  972. Synthesized Jungle Bg
  973. Bell Tower - Chimes - Funeral Song
  974. Car Door Open and Close 5 - Large, Old and Rusty Door Open With Creak and Close With Metal Rattles
  975. Power Yacht 5 - Away, Turn Back, by - Boat
  976. Tree Cracks and Splinters as It Falls - Heavy Leaf Rustles as It Is Falling and Hits the Ground With a Squeak
  977. Baby Whining Short Cries, With Snorts
  978. Dog Pants, Very Rapid
  979. Coin Drop Into Pay Phone Coin Return
  980. Man Screams # 2: Angry
  981. Explosion 4 - Large, Sharp Crack With Falling Debris
  982. Door, Wood 3 - Open/Slam With Latch
  983. Industrial Plant Ambience
  984. Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Table) 2 - Turn on Steady, and Off With Short Wind Down
  985. Medium Teenage Crowd, Excited 1 - Busy Voices, (Party) - Close Perspective
  986. Phone Receiver - Slams Down
  987. Door, Small - Wood - Open/Slam
  988. Explosion 2 - Medium Sized, Sharp, More Boomy Than Fx 75
  989. Low Frequency Oscillating Tone
  990. Birds, Morning Dove, Insects & Dog
  991. Suspension Clunks, Interior - Car Driving on Rough Road
  992. Crash 12 [Special mix]
  993. Bow Wash 4 - Interior Perspective
  994. Bullet Ricochet Off Rock Surface
  995. Bell Dings - Ship
  996. Construction Site Ambience 3
  997. Bell Tower - Fast Celebration Song
  998. Explosion, Large - Oil or Gas Type, Distant Perspective
  999. Construction Site Ambience 2
  1000. Fearful Gasps, Male
  1001. Construction Site Ambience 1
  1002. Car Crash - Small Car 1
  1003. Futzed Bell-Type Phone Ring 1
  1004. Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts With Natural Decay 2
  1005. Car Crash - Small Car 2
  1006. Futzed Bell-Type Phone Ring 2
  1007. Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts With Natural Decay 3
  1008. Processed Dog Growls - Vicious
  1009. Car Crash - Small Car 3
  1010. French Restaurant, Medium Crowd
  1011. Light Wind 4 - Cold, Birds
  1012. Rain on Car Roof With Faint Thunder
  1013. Sports - Baseball Mitt Impacts With Natural Decay 1
  1014. Synth - Eerie Rise & Fall
  1015. Doppler Car Horn by Approximately 35 Mph High-Pitched Horn
  1016. Car, Interior - Highway Steady With Windows Partially Down, Smooth Engine, Tires Over Small Bumps
  1017. Sports - Aluminum Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 1
  1018. Fire - Medium Wood With Sap Whining
  1019. Ice Clinks in Glass # 5: No Liquid
  1020. Ski Sliding Around in Snow 1
  1021. Futzed Dial Tone
  1022. Bubbles - Big, Fast, Gurgling Up
  1023. Door, Wood 2 - Open/Close With Latch
  1024. Ski Sliding Around in Snow 2
  1025. Explosion 5 - Large, Sharp, Boomy Crack With Falling Debris
  1026. Glass Crash - With Small Swish
  1027. Water Trickle 1 - Splashy Drops on Ground, Close, Drizzle Background
  1028. Helicopter Land Close and Wind Down
  1029. Ak-47 Automatic Rifle 3 - Single Shot Short With Light Ring Off - Gun
  1030. Synth Motor - Fast Oscillations
  1031. Heating Pipes Clanging in House
  1032. Futzed Operator Message 2
  1033. Crystal Glasses Clink # 4
  1034. Swish 14 - Single
  1035. Rain, Exterior Perspective - Idle Medium Close Horn Blow Close at Head
  1036. Automatic Machine Gun - Rapid Fire With Distinctive Bolt and Band Action
  1037. Metal Latch Clicks 4
  1038. Electrical Hum With Buzz
  1039. Door, Wood 4 - Open/Close With Squeak
  1040. Bullet Impact Sweetener 1 - Tin Cup
  1041. Metal Latch Clicks 3
  1042. Metal Latch Clicks 2
  1043. Train Horn Blow, Medium Perspective
  1044. Body Slam Into Racquetball Court Hall 2
  1045. Metal Latch Clicks 1
  1046. Synth Helicopter Blade Malfunction
  1047. Cactus Wren, Rhythmic Chirps
  1048. Police Station, Busy Activity
  1049. Wood - Bullet Impact Into
  1050. Power Yacht 3 - Start, Idle, Accell - Boat
  1051. Medium Size Dog Barks
  1052. Splash or Dive Into Water 2
  1053. Splash or Dive Into Water 6
  1054. Large Interior Audience Reactions - Laughing and Chuckling
  1055. Phone Rings - Dual Tone, 'Princess'
  1056. Rising Multi-Pitched Soundwave 2
  1057. Corvair - Drives Slowly Over Bumps With Interior Light Rattles, Acceleration, Turn Signal
  1058. Bell Clang - Antique Fire Engine
  1059. Kick - Body Hit 4 - With Thud
  1060. Elephant Honks & Blows
  1061. Crystal Glasses Clink # 1
  1062. Rattlesnake Tail Rattle #2
  1063. F-15 Fighter Plane in and by Right to Left, and Away
  1064. High / Low Siren - Close Perspective 1
  1065. Crystal Glasses Clink # 2
  1066. Spinning High Frequency Tone
  1067. Door Buzzer, Economy Car. High, Nasal, Whining Buzz
  1068. Crystal Glasses Clink # 3
  1069. High / Low Siren - Close Perspective 2
  1070. 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Accel to High Speed, Then Long Gradual Decel
  1071. Ice Clinks in Glass # 6: No Liquid
  1072. M-14 Full Automatic Rifle - Shot Burst With Casings Drop on Cement - Gun
  1073. Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 4
  1074. Goat Baa
  1075. Door Knob Jiggle
  1076. Rain on a Tin Roof
  1077. Motorized Shop Tool - Grinder (Metal) - Turn on and Wind Up to Smooth Steady With Rhythmic Hum, Off
  1078. Older Car Seat Adjust Forward and Back With Clunks and Vinyl Seat Creaks
  1079. Heavy Wind Gusts in Trees
  1080. Single Sword Hit 4 - Same Pitch as Fx 27 With Ring Out
  1081. Horses Whiney
  1082. Bus by 2 - Bus Fast in From the Left With Gear Shifts, and by to the Right With Long Away
  1083. Heavy Gusts, Constant Whistle - Wind
  1084. Bullet Impact Thru Glass With Debris 3
  1085. Medium Wind 1 - Gusts
  1086. Bullet Impact Thru Glass With Debris 2
  1087. Electric Toaster # 2: Down/Pop Up
  1088. Processed Bull Growls
  1089. Airport, Exterior - Large, Busy Tarmac Area With Loud, Whining Jet Idles, Slow Maneuvers
  1090. Heart Beat, Medium - 80 Beats Per Minute
  1091. Forest Ambience 1 - Light Birds
  1092. Drawer, Wood - Slide Open/Close
  1093. Bullet Ricochet Off Hard Surface 1
  1094. Large Rowdy Teen Crowd, Exterior
  1095. Chisel - Air
  1096. Bottle Rocket 4 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst
  1097. Sports - Four Aluminum Bat Impacts Without Decay - Baseball
  1098. Balloon Inflating, Large
  1099. 35mm Still Camera - Multiple Shots 1
  1100. Laser 3 - High-Pitched Oscillation
  1101. Synth Radio 2 - Tuning
  1102. Coast Guard Cutter Ship 3 - Steady - Boat
  1103. Man Screams # 1: Short Yell
  1104. Amazon Jungle Ambience 1 - Birds & Insects
  1105. Zipper # 3
  1106. Zipper # 7
  1107. Rotary Phone Dial '9'
  1108. Swish 3 - Single
  1109. Rotary Phone Dial '5'
  1110. Double Sword Scrape 2
  1111. Rotary Phone Dial '1'
  1112. Huey Helicopter, Interior Perspective - Stop and Engine Wind Down, With One Loud Beep
  1113. Ping Pong Volley 3
  1114. Bullet Impact Sweetener 9 - Into Glass
  1115. Ping Pong Volley 2
  1116. Car Fender Bang
  1117. Motorized Shop Tool - Saw (Band) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Wind Down
  1118. Buzzer - Industrial Warning
  1119. Synth Laser Burst - Descending
  1120. Ax Impact Into Wood 1
  1121. Fart # 4
  1122. Fart # 8
  1123. Door, Trailer - Open/Close
  1124. Swish 32 - Electronic
  1125. Swimming 3 - Breast Stroke
  1126. Medium Wind Gusts, Debris
  1127. Saw - Large Industrial - Motor on & Off
  1128. Heavy Wind Gusts on Leaves
  1129. Synth Submarine Interior
  1130. Sports - Wooden Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 4
  1131. Oscillating Tones & Bells
  1132. Two Civil War Cannons Shot With Long Ring Off
  1133. Bullet Ricochet Off Hard Surface 2
  1134. Moose Calls
  1135. Bullet Ricochet Off Hard Surface 3
  1136. Dril - Air
  1137. Sponging a Cannon
  1138. Synth - Gun Ricochet 1, Multi-Pitched
  1139. Train Long in From Distant With Echoed Horn Blows to Very Close By; Left to Right With Rail Clicks
  1140. Car Alarm - Activate and de-Activate Chirps
  1141. Bite and Chew Apple
  1142. Swish 2 - Single
  1143. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 1 - Impact With Gush and Sword Turn
  1144. Medium Exterior Crowd - Cheer and Yell Surge With Light Applause
  1145. Bell Ring - Bicycle
  1146. Dept Store, Medium Crowd, Light Milling
  1147. Sword Battle - With Sword Hits Stab - Impact, Pained Yell, and Body Fall
  1148. Saw - Hand-Held 2
  1149. Ar-15 Automatic Rifle 3 - Single Shot With Bullet Shell Ejects Onto Grass - Gun
  1150. Phone Rings - Electronic Pulses, Soft
  1151. 30-O6 Hunting Rifle, Single Shot With Echo and Long Ring Off - Gun
  1152. Synth Energy Zaps 1 - Tonal With Delay
  1153. Swimming 5 - Doggie Paddle
  1154. Heavy Wind, Coastal
  1155. Flanged Whoosh
  1156. Ak-47 Automatic Rifle 1 - Single Shot - Gun
  1157. Beeps - Watch Alarm
  1158. Lawnmower Engine - Steady, 8 Horsepower Briggs and Stratton, With Medium Fast Rpm's
  1159. Giggling, Children (Two)
  1160. Bar, Large, 50 People Chatting
  1161. Punch - Body Hit 5 - With Thud
  1162. Shutter Clicks & Wind, Instamatic - Camera
  1163. Single Sword Hit 3 - Higher Pitched Than Fx 26 With Ring Out
  1164. Antique Timer Clicks
  1165. Weed Eater With Fast Rpm's, Few Starts and Stops
  1166. Firecracker Explosions 3 - Multiple
  1167. Freight Train Close Horn Blow and Air Release, by Left to Right Very Slow With Brake Squeals Metal Stress Creaks and Squeaks
  1168. Male Grunt # 11: Punch Reaction
  1169. Door, Prison Cell - Roll Close
  1170. French Fries Drop/Fry in Hot Grease
  1171. Bull Whip Crack 3 - Single With Swish
  1172. Cartoon Boing, Jews Harp # 2
  1173. River, Small 2 - Babbling Drips Close, Smooth Running Roar in Background - Water
  1174. Two Single Body Falls on Gravel
  1175. Jet, 727, Landing, Interior Perspective - Engine Roar, Deceleration, Thump on Touch-Down - Plane
  1176. Multiple Pigs Snort & Squeal
  1177. Air Horn Blasts - Logging Truck, With Medium Distant Reverberation, Close Perspective
  1178. 22 Caliber Rifle Shot - Medium Perspective - Gun
  1179. V-8 Car, Large - In Medium Slow to Stop, and Idle Close Perspective, Set Brake, Release, Long Away
  1180. Medium Teenage Crowd, Excited 2 - Busy Voices, (Rowdy Party) - Close Perspective
  1181. 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Steady, Medium High RPM
  1182. Beeps - Steady Telemetry
  1183. Garbage Disposal # 3: Run Water, on/Off
  1184. Rifle Shot With Echo - Gun
  1185. Door, Trailer - Slam With Bounce 2
  1186. Crash 14 [Special mix]
  1187. Coin Drop Onto Hard Surface
  1188. Electric Fan # 1: On/Off W/Oscillation
  1189. Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 3 - Baseball
  1190. Medium Wind 4 - Eerie, Gusts
  1191. Rotary Pay Phone - Dialing Number
  1192. Door, Wood 7 - Open/Close
  1193. Car Horn Honk - Medium-Pitched With Various Lengths
  1194. Male Grunt # 13: Punch Reaction
  1195. Huge Interior Crowd - Applause and Busy Voices With One Cheer Surge - Very Active
  1196. Heavy Gusts Blowing Sand - Wind
  1197. Door, Heavy - Wood - Open/Close With Spring Creak
  1198. Door, Half Glass/Wood 1 - Open With Creak
  1199. Swish 4 - Single
  1200. Sports - Four Wooden Bat Impacts Without Decay
  1201. Two Young Kids Giggle
  1202. 9mm Uzi Automatic Fire 1 - Debris and Dirt Fall - Gun
  1203. Bullet Ricochet Off Wood Surface
  1204. Object Being Dropped and Smashed on Hard Surface
  1205. Power Yacht 1 - Variable Steady - Boat
  1206. Swish 19 - Multiple, Very Fast
  1207. Man Screams # 5: Insane Tantrum
  1208. Small Group (10) Of Young Kids Shouting and Cheering - Exterior
  1209. Creaks - Slow Rocking, Metal Boat
  1210. Drinking Fountain Running With on and Offs - Water
  1211. F-111 Fighter - Bomber Plane in and by With Big Roar on Away
  1212. Old Truck - Idles With Gear Grinds
  1213. Piper Arrow Prop Plane Start and Idle Close
  1214. Jeep - Start and Idle, Close Perspective, Off at End
  1215. Baby Cries in Hospital Nursery
  1216. Rumble - Heavy, Underwater 2
  1217. Pile Driver 2
  1218. Four Various Body Falls on Dirt
  1219. Cocktail Party, 25 People Chatting
  1220. Racquetball Racquet Swishes - Multiple
  1221. Pig Squeals #1
  1222. Water Plop, Single - Small Object Dropped Into Water
  1223. Body Falls Onto Car Hood
  1224. Electric Shaver # 2, Ons/Offs
  1225. Fax Machine Recieving Document
  1226. Heavy Wind, Low End Gusts
  1227. Eerie Wind Rumble 1
  1228. Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 2 - Baseball
  1229. German Shepherd Barks
  1230. P-47 Mustang Prop Plane Taxi in to Close and Off
  1231. Cocktail Party, 50 People Chatting
  1232. Drips, Slow and Big, From Shower Faucet in Gym Shower Room - Water
  1233. Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 4
  1234. Phone Rings - Bell-Type 2; Muted
  1235. Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 3
  1236. Double Sword Hits
  1237. Futzed Rotary Phone - Dial With Pick-Up
  1238. Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 2
  1239. Fourth of July Fireworks Demonstration With Crowd [Special mix]
  1240. Door, Push Bar - Open, Reverb 1
  1241. Door, Big, Wood - Roll Close
  1242. Horse by on Hard Dirt, L to R
  1243. Elk Squeals
  1244. Crowd Reaction - 10 People in Shock - Ooh!
  1245. Saw - Electric
  1246. Huge Interior Crowd - Applause, With Laughter and Cheers in a Large Auditorium, More Active Applause
  1247. Bell Tower - Single Low-Pitched Bells
  1248. Wood - 1 Piece Falls Onto Others 1
  1249. Baby Talking
  1250. Oscillating Tones Rise & Fall 1
  1251. Oscillating Tones Rise & Fall 2
  1252. Glider, Exterior Perspective - Heavy Wind Roar in Flight With Hissy Gusts; Sounds Cold - Plane
  1253. Bar, Large, 5 People Chatting
  1254. Rotary Phone - Dialing Number, Version 2
  1255. Bubbles - Underwater 2
  1256. Grinder - Industrial
  1257. Synth Energy Zaps 11 - Descending Burst
  1258. Glass Crash - Shatter & Drop
  1259. Object Being Squashed 1
  1260. Blow Torch - Acetylene
  1261. Male Grunt # 8: Punch Reaction
  1262. Bulldozer Crane - Maneuvers
  1263. Rain - Heavy
  1264. Phone Rings - Bell-Type Pay Phone
  1265. Crash 3 [Special mix]
  1266. Baby Laughs, Various, Short
  1267. Ice Drop in Glass, Soda Can Open & Pour
  1268. Bullet Impact Into Dirt
  1269. Bell Ding - Elevator 2
  1270. Medium Wind 2 - Cold
  1271. Sword or Bayonet Juicy Stab 6 - With Short Gush Impact
  1272. Electrocardiogram
  1273. Cessna Prop Plane in From Distant, Lands Close With Tire Skid, Away
  1274. Cough, Male
  1275. Prison Visiting Area, Large Crowd With Babies
  1276. Bus Exterior Steady, Through Gears
  1277. Swamp Ambience 2 - Frogs Distant, Insects Med Close
  1278. Racquet Hits 1 on Court Wall
  1279. Synth Alien Breathing
  1280. Air Brake Hiss 4 - Large Truck, Short Blasts Close Perspective
  1281. Bottle Rocket 3 - Piccolo Whistle and Burst
  1282. Dept Store, Medium Crowd, Busy Milling
  1283. Wild Boar Grunts & Squeals
  1284. Flash Bulb, Small - Click, Sizzle - Camera
  1285. Bullet Impact Into Metal - Hollow 1
  1286. Swimming 2 - Awkward Splashing and Movement
  1287. Hospital Pa Announcement - 'Doctor Cravitz, You Have a Visitor in the Main Lobby'
  1288. Door, Wood 8 - Open/Close
  1289. Gate, Metal - Roll Close 1
  1290. Bullet Impact Into Metal - Hollow 2
  1291. Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 4 - Baseball
  1292. V-8 Car or Truck - Smooth, Short in, by, Then Short Out
  1293. Door, Wood 1 - Open/Close With Latch
  1294. Huge Interior Crowd - Applause Only, With Occasional Voices
  1295. Sander - Air
  1296. Heavy Wind Gusts, Low Roar
  1297. Sword Shing 3 - Sword Edges Run Against Each Other
  1298. Waterfall, Medium 1 - Smooth Running With Bubbling Roar
  1299. Motorized Shop Tool - Compressor Motor 2 - Turn on, Steady Chugging and Off With Chug
  1300. Highway Traffic, Busy - Close Perspective, Cars and Trucks
  1301. Chamber Spins a Few Times - Gun - Revolver
  1302. Quick Pistol Cock - Gun
  1303. Giggling, Boy
  1304. Coast Guard Cutter Ship 1 - In and by - Boat
  1305. Door, Warehouse - Roll Close 2
  1306. Drip, Single, Falls Into Liquid 4 - Water
  1307. Ice Swirling in Glass Full of Liquid
  1308. Toilet Flush # 4: Public
  1309. River, Large 1 - Fast Running With Wide Ambient, Deep Roar - Water
  1310. Car Trunk Open and Close - Mercedes, Close Perspective
  1311. Huge Exterior Crowd - Applause, With Boos, Cheers and Claps - Anticipatory Excitement
  1312. Baby Vocals (Playful)
  1313. Brass Bells Jing-A-Ling
  1314. Small Dog Barks
  1315. Huey Helicopter Steady, in Whisper Mode
  1316. Cat Purring
  1317. Racquetball Serve - Hard Hit With Reverb 2
  1318. Ice Clinks in Glass # 1: No Liquid
  1319. Power Yacht 2 - Idle Steady - Boat
  1320. Synth Radio 1 - White Noise
  1321. Skiing 2 - Maneuvers - Movement With Stop
  1322. Ferry Boat Horn Blasts
  1323. Electric Shaver # 1, on, Shave, Off
  1324. Wolf Howls
  1325. Lawnmower Engine - Steady, 9 Horsepower Wisconsin Motor, With Slow Idle
  1326. Creaks - Wooden Bed
  1327. Drips - Water - From Wringing Out Wet Cloth
  1328. Prop Plane in and by Low Overhead Right to Left
  1329. High School Hallway, Reverberant - Busy Voices, Footsteps by, Locker Opening and Closing a Couple of Times
  1330. Bells - Church - 9 Tolls
  1331. Body Falls Into Debris
  1332. Bow Wash 3 - Ferry Boat Deck - Steady
  1333. Synth - Bubbling & Rising
  1334. Rain - Light With Distant Traffic
  1335. Car Long in 10 Mph and Pass by Close Perspective Then Long Away on Dirt Road
  1336. 9mm Uzi Automatic Fire 3 - With Ring Off - Gun
  1337. Sports - Bowling Ball Retrieval Machine - Close Perspective
  1338. Helicopter, Close Perspective - Long in and by Overhead, Away
  1339. Coins Poured Onto Hard Surface
  1340. Synth Tone - Eerie, Slow, Fluctuating
  1341. Lincoln Town Car - Long in Medium Speed and Stop With Small Dirt Skid, Close Perspective
  1342. 9mm Uzi 1 - Single Shot - Gun
  1343. Drips From Faucet Into Water in Sink
  1344. Swish 12 - Single
  1345. Electricity Arc 1
  1346. Coast Guard Cutter Ship 2 - Steady - Boat
  1347. Heavy Gusts, Moaning Wind
  1348. Bubbles - Fast, Slowed 65%, Gurgling Up
  1349. Object Crashing Through Wood & Glass
  1350. Beep - Phone Machine
  1351. Black Powder Musket 2 - Single Shot - More Ring Off Than Fx 18 - Gun
  1352. Waterfall, Small 2 - Rapid, With Fine Mist Roar
  1353. Door, Half Glass/Wood 5 - Open/Close With Rattle
  1354. Heart Beat, Very Fast - 158 Beats Per Minute
  1355. Squeaks - Small Metal Hinge
  1356. Hospital Pa Announcement - 'Doctor Forest, Dial 118 Please'
  1357. Servo Motor 5 - Quick on, Off
  1358. Electric Toaster # 1: Down/Up
  1359. Large Dog Vicious Growls
  1360. Explosion 3 - Medium Sized, Boomy
  1361. Swish 1 - Single
  1362. Fire - Medium Wood
  1363. Electric Shaver # 4, Turn on & Dies
  1364. Belch # 7
  1365. Belch # 8
  1366. Dump Truck Unloads Coal
  1367. Canoe Paddle Through Water
  1368. Stream, Small 3 - Fast, Gentle and Babbling Over Rocks - Water
  1369. Blow Dryer on Medium, Dry Hair, Off
  1370. Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 6 - Baseball
  1371. Door, Wood 6 - Open/Slam
  1372. Edge Trimmer - Steady, 2 Horsepower Briggs and Stratton, With Fast Rpm's
  1373. Crystal Glasses Double Clinks # 2
  1374. Ferry Boat 2 - Cruise Steady
  1375. Crystal Glasses Double Clinks # 1
  1376. School Bell - Long Interior
  1377. V-8 Car - In Medium, Stop on Dirt, Close Perspective, Idle and Off
  1378. 1986 Toyota Celica - In Fast and Skid to Stop on Dirt, Close Perspective, Away With Small Peel Out
  1379. Crash 6 [Special mix]
  1380. Floor Type Gear Shifter Movement - Bmw
  1381. Roulette Wheel Spinning, With Ball Dropping Into the Slot
  1382. Sports - Aluminum Bat Hits Baseball With Natural Decay 2
  1383. Male Grunt # 5: Punch Reaction
  1384. Chimpanzee Screeches
  1385. Drips of Water Fall Onto China
  1386. Xerox Copier Reproduces Document
  1387. Body Falls Into Brush With Leaf Rustles
  1388. Belch # 3
  1389. Soda Pour Into Empty Glass # 1: W/Fizz
  1390. Door, Wood 5 - Open/Close With Squeak/Bounce
  1391. Belch # 4
  1392. Synth Energy Zaps 6 - Single Burst
  1393. Night Ambience 3 - Light Mid-Range Crickets, Calm
  1394. Belch # 5
  1395. Belch # 6
  1396. Chainsaw - Close
  1397. Belch # 1
  1398. Convention, Large Crowd, Busy Murmur
  1399. Helicopter Start and Idle, Close Perspective, High-Pitched Ascending
  1400. Belch # 2
  1401. Futzed Operator Message 1
  1402. Subway Train, Medium Perspective - In, Stop and Away With Air Brake Releases
  1403. Saw - Large Industrial - Cuts Wood
  1404. Two Men Fight in Alley Way - Heavy Punches and Grunts, Glass Break
  1405. Woman Screams # 7: Three, Ext
  1406. Roadster [Special mix] - High Rev and Peel Out With Heavy Tire Squeal and Away on Pavement
  1407. Cuckoo Clock Strikes Nine O'Clock
  1408. Air Brake Hiss 1 - Logging Truck, Close Perspective
  1409. Ski Lift 1 - Constant Motor With Squeaking
  1410. Synth Tone - Low Frequency, Pulsing
  1411. Door, Wood Cabinet - Close, No Bounce 2
  1412. Volkswagen Bug, Interior - Idle, Windows Up, Off at End
  1413. Forest Ambience 2 - Birds & Light Wind
  1414. Heavy Cold Gusts Howling - Wind
  1415. Shower Running # 1: Gym Shower Room
  1416. Skier Approaches, Jumps and Stops
  1417. Synth Spaceship Interior 2
  1418. Woman Screams # 4: w/Gasp
  1419. Synth Spaceship Interior 1
  1420. Et, Large, Interior Perspective - Steady Roar Near Engine - Plane
  1421. Whistle, Fingers in Mouth
  1422. Splash or Dive Into Water 1
  1423. Splash or Dive Into Water 5
  1424. Spoon Clinks and Bowl Scraping
  1425. Rising Multi-Pitched Soundwave 1
  1426. Sports - Bowling Pins Are Knocked Down - Close Perspective
  1427. Creaks - Metal Door Open & Close
  1428. Motor 1 - Turn on With Wind Up, Steady With Rhythmic Hum, and Off With Wind Down
  1429. 'Devil' Laugh
  1430. Large Crowd Reacts Disappointed - Oohs and Boos!
  1431. Rattlesnake Tail Rattle #1
  1432. Woman Screams # 6: Panic Shrieks
  1433. Laser 1 - 9 Blasts
  1434. Car Horn Beeps - High-Pitched Nasal, Various Length
  1435. Geese & Ducks in Pond
  1436. Large Exterior Crowd - Applause, With Cheers, Hoots and Chants
  1437. Synth Alien Screams 1
  1438. Thunder With Heavy Rain
  1439. 1986 4-Cylinder Sports Car - Quiet Idle With a Few Low Revs, Gear Shift Clicks
  1440. Ar-15 Automatic Rifle 1 - Single Shot With Bullet Shell Eject Onto Grass - Gun
  1441. M-1 Rifle - Single Shot With Casings Drop on Cement and Movement - Gun
  1442. Country Night Ambience 1 - Crickets & Frogs, Active
  1443. Futzed Phone Receiver - Hang-Up 3
  1444. 35mm Projector - Start, Steady, Off
  1445. Sink Faucet # 1: On/Off
  1446. Wade Through Water 2 - Hands Splash in and Out of Water, Lightly
  1447. Gate, Old, Metal, Manual - Roll Open & Close
  1448. Train, Exterior Perspective - Air Release Close, Slow Pull Out With Metal Groans, Accelerates
  1449. Door, Old Freezer - Open/Close With Metal Latch
  1450. Sports - Wooden Bat Drops Onto Dirt Surface 5 - Baseball
  1451. Traffic Jam - Many Car Horns Sound
  1452. Motorized Shop Tool - Joiner (Wood) - Turn on Steady, and Off With Wind Down
  1453. Processed Air Release 1
  1454. Blow Dryer on High, Dry Hair, Off
  1455. Whirr - Air Tool Ratchet
  1456. Man Screams # 4: Gut-Wrenching W/Fall
  1457. Drips, Hard and Thick, Fall Sometimes Quickly Onto Hard Surface - Water
  1458. Shovelling Dirt on Asphalt
  1459. Ambiance, Tonal: intense glassy voices praise space
  1460. Double Honk X5
  1461. Spooky, Ghostly Moans X5
  1462. Animal Scream
  1463. Rookery in derelict abbey
  1464. Fly Buzz X8
  1465. Ambiance, Machine: Steamy throbbing large distant machine with vague low amorphous vocals
  1466. town street, with activity version 2
  1467. Town street, with activity version 1
  1468. Big Crunchy Bite, Lip Smacks and Vocal 'Ahhh' X4
  1469. Floppy Splashes, Paddle Splashes X3
  1470. Ambiance, Tonal Motor: Atmospheric intense motor running with diffused alto & lower choral undertones
  1471. Slow Wood and Metallic Creaks X6
  1472. Baseball Mitt Impact, 6 Versions
  1473. Airport 'No Parking', 3 Versions
  1474. Woman With Nagging Cough
  1475. Piano, With Reverb. Reversed.
  1476. Rapid Funny Bubbling Sound X2
  1477. Hell House Long Groan - Wood Groan: Eerie Hell House Floor Creaks, With Reverb.
  1478. Ambiance, Bass whirring: tonal airy machine
  1479. Futzed Dial Tones, 3 Versions
  1480. Distorted Tone Ambience.
  1481. Car, Skid, 4 Versions
  1482. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Starts, Slow Constant, Slows And Stops 1
  1483. Funny Man Teeth Brushing and Gargles X2
  1484. Factory Steam Whsitle, Ship Steam Horn and Gasping X4
  1485. Waves #2, Large
  1486. Brush Teeth
  1487. Horn, Ship & Fog: 10 melodious, ambient, reverberant toots that sound somewhere between a ship's horn and a fog horn with some stylized water lap and bird call between toots
  1488. Long Slow Tears With Quick Rip at Tail X3
  1489. Grinding Point
  1490. Dry Ice, Vibrating - Eerie Vibrating Metal Tones
  1491. Mad Cat Growl 1
  1492. Pour Sequence #4
  1493. Orchestra, With Brass Power Surge Effect And Light Drum Rhythm.
  1494. Air Tunnel 1 - Eerie Ambience: Constant Air Through Tunnel.
  1495. Sea Serpent Rises Form Sea3
  1496. Tonal Metal Slide Down. 3x
  1497. Funny Man Snoring X5 #1
  1498. Low Horror Cluster Stinger.
  1499. Waterfall #2, Large
  1500. Funny Man Being Attacked, Tortured Yells X3
  1501. Various Swishes and Impact X10
  1502. Funny Man Snoring X5 #2
  1503. Dreamy Orchestra, With Choir.
  1504. Church bell 8, single stroke
  1505. Plunged Muted Trumpet X5
  1506. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast And Into Stone Arched Entrance 2, Gravel - Stone Surface - Medium Per
  1507. Muted Trumpet and Trombone Blasts X8
  1508. Horse Drawn Carriage And 4 Wagons; Long Approach And Thunder By Fast 2, Mud And Stone Surface, R-L
  1509. Muted Trumpet 'Wa Wa' X4
  1510. Funny Man Yells and Screams X12
  1511. Rain, Medium Heavy
  1512. Dry Ice, Double Pitch 2 X3 - Double Pitched Metal Moan
  1513. Boy Breathing Heavily
  1514. Helicopter Hover #1, Bell 47 Chopper
  1515. Descending Whistle X2
  1516. Stream #1, Small, Trickling
  1517. Bubbles, Single
  1518. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Slow 3, Tarmac Surface, With Clear Horse Snorts On Up And Some V. Light Bi
  1519. Low Brass Stinger. More Reverb Added.
  1520. Metal Crashes, 5 Versions
  1521. Girl or Woman Screams X3
  1522. Low Ambience, With Smooth Glass Tones.
  1523. Small Roaring Fire w/Crackles
  1524. Ambiance, Machine Throb: Constant, bass droning mechanical presence
  1525. Clock 8, 19th Century, strikes 12
  1526. Dirt or Rock Spill X2, Impact X8, Gooey Splat X2
  1527. Short Muted Trumpet Blasts
  1528. Metallic Wand Movement With Zap X5, Ricochet With Metallic Boing X5
  1529. Electric Typewriter #2
  1530. Thumbscrew Turns
  1531. Bubbles Splashing X6
  1532. Glass Bottle Impact and Shatter X2
  1533. Stream #4, Large, Over Rocks
  1534. Cave Monster
  1535. Body Falling, Fight Scuffle
  1536. Water Drip With Light Slurp-Like Sounds and Small Bubbles X4
  1537. Funny Man Laughs With a Sobbing-Like Quality #1
  1538. Short Synthy Low Pitched Boings X6
  1539. Boy In Pain
  1540. Ambiance, Tonal Whirl: Swirling changing mixed choral tones move through gaseous space
  1541. Various Grunts X30
  1542. Funny Vocal Engine Steady X7, Strong Airy Exhale X13
  1543. Funny Moaning Groans X4
  1544. Steam Pipe, Malady: Steam runs through pipe with varying pressure. Suddenly everything goes array. It cries like a wounded animal fighting for its life and at the end losing.
  1545. Woman Screaming 1
  1546. Ambiance, Metal & Steam: Steamy large metal pipes intermittently shutter, bang & clang (reminiscent of a night w/ Dorothy)
  1547. Cars, 7 Versions
  1548. Egg Crack & Fry w/Grease Spatters
  1549. Alien Wind - Wind: Eerie High Tonal Whistle.
  1550. Horse Drawn Carriage By Fast 2; Hard Mud And Stone Surface
  1551. Walking In Attic - Wood Footsteps, Somebody Walking In The Attic, With Eerie Creaks And Reverb.
  1552. Man Yells 'Timber!', Factory Whistle Screaming 'Lunch'
  1553. Horse Drawn Carriage And 4 Wagons; Long Approach, Rumble And Thunder By Fast, Very Wide Shot, Mud
  1554. Potion Explodes X10
  1555. Saint Bernard Barks
  1556. Quick Musical Gliss X5
  1557. Short Synth Power Pad Stinger. 2x
  1558. Brass chimes
  1559. Dog Barks, Medium Distant
  1560. Explosion #10, Short, Booming
  1561. Low Tone Ambience.
  1562. Churchbell 3, large, D#3, soft
  1563. Diving Board Vibrates, Cuckoo Bird and Metallic Warble X5
  1564. Morse Code Beeps X4
  1565. Metal Dungeon Doors Shut, Medium Pers
  1566. Horse Drawn Carriage By Fast 4; Hard Mud And Stone Surface, Drivers Yips At Front
  1567. Whistley Whirl With Jews Harp Boing, Snap, Boink X5
  1568. Bees-Insects Buzzing X6
  1569. cornfield rustles in light wind
  1570. Arrow Swish, 2 Versions
  1571. Tonal Cymbal Swell Stinger.
  1572. Fluctuating Rumble - Eerie Ambience: Fluctuating Low Rumble.
  1573. Carnival Background, 2 Versions
  1574. Rain, Heavy
  1575. Institutional Shower
  1576. Small Short Ratchet Clicks Winding or Unwinding X2
  1577. Shooting Arrow With Bow String Pulled Back and Release
  1578. Synth Chime Pad Ambience. Reversed.
  1579. Ambiance, Machine: Presence of large machine running w/watery atmosphere and occasional intense heavy metal groans and kerchangs
  1580. Multiple Pig Squeals
  1581. Low Thunder Stinger - Eerie Ambience: Low Thunder Clap Stinger.
  1582. Large Crowd Chants
  1583. M-1 Automatic Weapon, 3 Versions
  1584. Horse Drawn Carriage; Medium Pace By, Cobbled Street Surface, Driver Yells At Front, Some Light Bg
  1585. Opens, 8 Versions
  1586. Wood Creaks, 2 Versions
  1587. barrel maker 02
  1588. Car, in, 3 Versions
  1589. Steady Rapid Insect-Like Wings Flap X5
  1590. Bullet Ricochet, Explosive Blast and Long Airy Scrape X6
  1591. Video Game Arcade, 3 Versions
  1592. Wind, Moaning: Textured night wind gently rises and falls
  1593. Metal Grinder
  1594. Mud Pots, Blurps, Bubbles, Goo, Etc. X21
  1595. Heartbeat Rumble - Heartbeat: Random Thumps, With Eerie Low Rumble Ambience.
  1596. Ambiance, Tonal Bass: industrial presence of musical layers of deep tone
  1597. Horse Drawn Carriage; Start And Away Fast, Mud And Stone Surface
  1598. Twangy Boings (Jews Harp) X11
  1599. Ambiance, Bass Air Rushing: industrial amorphous textured presence
  1600. Metal Sliding Door, 2 Versions
  1601. Carriage Door 2; Exterior, Glassy, Opens And Closes X3
  1602. Metal Creeks 1 X5 - Distant Perspective, With Reverb
  1603. Metallic Impact X7
  1604. Cymbal Crash With Boing X3
  1605. Match Strikes, 5 Versions
  1606. Ascending and Descending Whistle X3
  1607. Ghost Heartbeat - Heartbeat: Synth Tone, With Eerie Ghost Wind Ambience.
  1608. Bubbling Drama
  1609. Police Siren, Wailer
  1610. Water Runs and Drops
  1611. Slow Horror String Fade, With Reverb And Low Rumble.
  1612. Slow Atmospheric Bell
  1613. Ambiance, Tonal Hum: Light humming of tenor tonal atmosphere
  1614. Large Dog Barks
  1615. Snorts and Monkey Vocals X2
  1616. Horse Sounds X3
  1617. Horror Choir Cluster Ambience Fade.
  1618. Water Into Sink & Drain, 2 Versions
  1619. Funny Wet Sucky Smacky Kiss X11
  1620. Cartoon Blows, 3 Versions
  1621. Clock 11, 17th Century, Chimes
  1622. Basic Large Stoney Room Tone With Drips
  1623. Orchestra Bells Pattern.
  1624. Synthy Beep-Like Zaps X6
  1625. Footsteos by in echoey stairwell/hall 04
  1626. Sound Effects Climax Mix
  1627. Object Starts Spinning Rapid Whir With Rattle
  1628. Bat Hits Ball #1, 3 Versions
  1629. Swish With Flapping Sound X4
  1630. Birds Chirping, Jungle Backgrounds
  1631. Hell Chain X2 - Eerie Metal Clanking, With Reverb
  1632. Synth Particle Tone Ambience By.
  1633. Horror Pipe Organ Melody.
  1634. Golf Ball Hits, 2 Versions
  1635. Canadian Geese Honk, Large Flock
  1636. Skateboards, 2 Versions
  1637. Horse Drawn Carriage; Starts And Stops 1, Mud And Stone Surface
  1638. Laughs, 3 Versions
  1639. Horror Orchestra, With Low Rumble.
  1640. Ambiance, Tonal Bass: Ominous low machine presence
  1641. Woman Crying Reversed 2
  1642. Rapid Winding With Sharp, High Pitched Metallic Scrapes
  1643. Dish Movement, 2 Versions
  1644. Horse Drawn Carriage And 4 Wagons; Long Approach And Thunder By Fast 1, Mud And Stone Surface, L-R
  1645. Large Bubbles Rise to Surface With 'Bloop' Sound X3
  1646. Sssnap Fizz
  1647. Funny, Slow, Hard to Get Going Engine Steady With Wooden Clacks
  1648. 2 Wagons; Ist By And Stop, 2nd Up And Stop, Mud And Stone Surface, R-L - Some Chatter In Left Chann
  1649. Slow Horror Strings, With Reverb And Low Rumble.
  1650. Werewolf Growls, C/U, 2 Versions
  1651. Ambiance, Mid Bass Hum: Surreal drone of textured beating hum w/ subtle musical changes
  1652. Army Bugle Messes Up X8
  1653. Machine Orchestra, With Steady Drum Rhythm.
  1654. Church bell 4, single stroke
  1655. Explosion #15, Large, Distant
  1656. Open Horse Drawn Carriage; Constant Trot And Stop, Sandy Surface
  1657. Small Fire w/Lots of Crackles
  1658. Throbbing Ambience, With High Feedback Alarm.
  1659. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast And Stop, Hard Mud And Grass Surface
  1660. Soft Orchestra Bys, With Low Rumble. 3x
  1661. Ambiance, Machine Throb: Constant, mid range, throbbing mechanical presence
  1662. Huge Slow Multi Toned Flanging Whoosh X4
  1663. Beeps, Short & Long, 8 Versions
  1664. Truck, Air Horn, 2 Versions
  1665. Distant Tortured Male Screams
  1666. Funny Little Girl Cries With Sobbing and Sniffing
  1667. Light Horse Drawn Carriage; Medium Pace By, Cobbled Street Surface, Drivers Encouragement At Front
  1668. Key Unlocks Dungeon Door
  1669. Raspy Throat Animal
  1670. Flutter Tongue Flute Fade, With Low Rumble.
  1671. Bang, Metal: Thunderous reverberant metal hit
  1672. Ambiance, Bass Drone: intense tonal continual presence
  1673. Funny Dog Growls and Pants X4
  1674. Oil Drips and Drizzles and Burbles
  1675. Trumpet Blasts X8
  1676. Sour Apple
  1677. Spear & Knife Into Body, 3 Versions
  1678. Door Buzzer, 2 Versions
  1679. Swish in and Stop With Record-Like Scratch X4
  1680. Plastic Grind
  1681. Bubble and Balloon Pop X4
  1682. Fly Laughs With Wings Buzzing X2, Fly Imitates Bugle Call
  1683. Dry Ice, Rumble - Dry Ice: Eerie Low End Metal Rumble.
  1684. Killer Crickets
  1685. Pour Sequence #5
  1686. Woman Scream By
  1687. Vibra Harp and Slide Whistle
  1688. Siren, Federal Air Horn
  1689. Machine Runs Steady With Ringing Metallic Clanks X3
  1690. Small Tiny Insect-Like Rapid Talking or Yelling X2
  1691. Carriage Jolts; For Carriage Start And Away X3
  1692. Distant Monster Footsteps
  1693. Soft Orchestra Bys, With Low Rumble. 4x
  1694. Car Door, O/C, 6 Versions
  1695. Underwater Eels
  1696. Dry Ice, Feedback - Dry Ice: Eerie Metal Feedback Screech.
  1697. Funny Man Snoring With Short, Snorty Inhales
  1698. High Monkey Screams
  1699. Ambiance, Metal & Steam: Steamy hisses amidst intermittent low metal pipes clanging, shuddering and banging
  1700. Sea Serpent Crashes Into Sea X3
  1701. Whistle, Factory & Train: 2 ambient, reverberant blows of a cross between a factory whistle and a train whistle
  1702. Factory Drips - Eerie Ambience: Factory Machine, With Distant Water Drips.
  1703. VCR Medley
  1704. Rumbling Glass - Eerie Ambience: Low Rumble, With Distant Air And Glassy Tone.
  1705. AK-47, 3 Versions
  1706. Multi-Toned Sensor, Scanner, Ray, Zaps, Swishes, Etc. X4
  1707. Huge Clock Interior Ambience With Heavy Mechanisms
  1708. Water Bottle Glubs
  1709. Many Light Horse Drawn Carriages; By, Various Paces, Cobbled Street Surface, Busy Street Walla In B
  1710. Tiger Growl
  1711. Slurping Liquid, 2 Versions
  1712. Horses Whinny, 3 Versions
  1713. Oboe Playing Various Melodies X4
  1714. Automatic Weapon #2, Multiple Shots
  1715. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Slow 2, Tarmac Surface
  1716. Rapidly Spinning Object Slows to Stop and Metal Disk Rolls X8
  1717. Animal Breath 2
  1718. Wind, Choral: Subtle Choral textures weave through a slowly rising and falling wind. In the middle of the take the wind picks up in intensity, crescendos and decrescendos to resume it's subtle moveme
  1719. Workers medning cobbled street
  1720. Lambs and Goats Bleating X3
  1721. Monstrous Snorting, Roars and Growls X3
  1722. Rain, Steady, Medium Heavy
  1723. Large, Breathy, Vocal Exhale X11
  1724. Electrical Crackling Ascending Synth Tone (U.f.O.) X6
  1725. Ambiance, Tonal Drone: Atmospheric drone of alto choral tones
  1726. Dry Ice, Musical Dry Ice: Eerie High Metal Musical Screech
  1727. Low Pitch Machine Growl That Descends to Stop
  1728. Small Hollow Drum Hits (I.E. Bounce) X4
  1729. Electric Typewriter #1
  1730. Airy Slide and Twirl (Slide Whistle) X4
  1731. Railroad Crossing Bell
  1732. Swirling Wind - Eerie Ambience: Heavy Swirling Wind.
  1733. Cartoon Boings, 2 Versions
  1734. Tonal Wind Flashback Stinger.
  1735. Beheading With Axe X5
  1736. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Slow 1, Mud And Stone Surface, R-L
  1737. Metallic Chimes X3
  1738. Slide Whistle Sounds X7
  1739. Wooden Pully Twists With Light Metal Squeaks and Metal Chain Rattle
  1740. Printing Medley
  1741. Funny Man Laughs 'Haw-Haw' Type X2
  1742. Church bell 1, single stroke
  1743. Guitar Glissando and Twang X10
  1744. Concert Audience Applauds & Yells
  1745. Handbell 2 Single stroke
  1746. Squeaky Door O/C
  1747. Explosion #13, Low, Rumbling
  1748. Evil Gallow Ambience With Screams
  1749. Ambiance, Airy Bass: mid bass airy mechanical drone w/ changing tonal textures, lower and thicker than SM01-18
  1750. Avalanche #1
  1751. Man Coughing With Water Glubs X2
  1752. Various Quick Musical Air Blasts X4
  1753. Fireworks, 2 Versions
  1754. Dry Ice, High Screech X5 - High Metal Screech
  1755. Carriage Footplates; Unfolded And Down X8
  1756. Kick, Fly and Tumble With Bell, Drum, Horn, Bonk and Honk X5
  1757. Ambiance, Tonal Hum: droning airy alto/soprano tones
  1758. Wind, Tonal: vocal wind crescendos & decrescendos
  1759. Xylophone Hits X5
  1760. Swish With Snare Roll, Metallic Crash X6
  1761. Dry Ice, Distant - Distant Metal Fluctuating
  1762. Dog Barks, Snarls & Growls
  1763. Horse Drawn Carriage; By And Stop 2, Cobbled Street Surface, L-R, Active Bg Walla
  1764. Funny Gulps X4
  1765. Metal Moans X5 - Distant Scrapes, With Reverb
  1766. Prop Airplane By, DC-3
  1767. Clock Ticks
  1768. Dry Ice, Low Grind 3, Eerie Low End Grind On Metal Table
  1769. Small Twangs and Bass String Pluck X2, Banjo Arpeggio
  1770. Factory Buzzer, Reverberant, Interior
  1771. Shaper, (Wood)
  1772. Evil Spirits Rise3
  1773. Evil Spirits Rise2
  1774. Train, Interior, 2 Versions
  1775. Evil Spirits Rise1
  1776. Spirit/Ghost, Footsteps w/Chains
  1777. Barrel maker 01
  1778. Liquid Impact and Various Wet, Liquidy Impacts X8
  1779. Strong Wind in Trees
  1780. Water Music
  1781. Horse Drawn Wagon; By Slow, Grass Surface, L-R, With Light Bg Wind Through Trees
  1782. Group of Male Baseball Players Calling to Catch Ball
  1783. Creaky Footsteps or Short Twisting Creaks X2
  1784. Funny Kick Bounces X5
  1785. Churchbell 7, small, G4
  1786. Churchbell 3, Large, D#3
  1787. Ominous Wind - Wind: Eerie Ominous Tone, With Low End Gusts.
  1788. Ambiance, Mid Bass: textured presence
  1789. Office Interior
  1790. Tonal Static Ambience.
  1791. Reverberant Wooden Creaks X3
  1792. Bore Into Ground and Drop Object Into Hole X3
  1793. Splat With Light Impact X3
  1794. Prop Airplane By, 2 Versions
  1795. Dog Howls
  1796. Metal Scrape By - Eerie Medium By, With Reverb
  1797. Whale Calls
  1798. Wolf Howl X4
  1799. Laser Zaps and Shots X7
  1800. Wind, Ancient: wind blows through ancient Scottish chapel
  1801. Ascending and Descending Elongated Hawaii Guitar String Slides X8
  1802. Prop Airplane By, Single Engine
  1803. Rapid Scissor Snips X3
  1804. Boxing Glove Impact, 2 Versions
  1805. Truck, Brakes, 4 Versions
  1806. Ambience of Lost Souls
  1807. Female Screaming in Terror
  1808. Hanging Seq X2
  1809. Churchbell 7, single stroke
  1810. Helicopter Hover #3, Jet Ranger
  1811. Plunged Muted Trumpet and Trombone X4
  1812. Dog Sniffs
  1813. Dry Ice, Grating X5 - Grating Metal Screech
  1814. Warbley Hollow Rhythmic Bounces X3
  1815. Light, Ringing, Metallic Stretch and Impact X5
  1816. Funny Single Chicken Squawks X7
  1817. Various Sighs, Inhales X6
  1818. Ambiance, Bass Air: disquieting surreal apartment stairwell presence
  1819. Owl Hoots, Classic
  1820. Funny Crazy Man Laughs
  1821. Ambiance, Exotic Insect: Intense steamy insect presence
  1822. Dog Growls Viciously
  1823. Wizard's Cave With Drips
  1824. Magic Bells
  1825. Yelling, Mixed Crowd Boos, Party Noise With Various Party Favors
  1826. Gun Cocks, 7 Versions
  1827. Drinking With 'Glug-Glug's' And Choking, Wet Slurp X3
  1828. Funny, Short Nose Blows (Bulb Horn) X3
  1829. Church bell 2, large D3
  1830. Explosion #7, Large, Booming
  1831. Low Metal Creeks X2 - Distant Perspective, With Reverb And Low Rumble
  1832. Drum Hit With Synthy, Beep-Like Zaps and Lazer Zap X3
  1833. Paper Hole Punch, 2 Versions
  1834. Dogs Bark & Growl, 6 Versions
  1835. Various Squeak and Pop Creaks X13
  1836. Ambiance, Airy Bass: mid bass airy light mechanical drone w/ changing tonal textures
  1837. Boy Moaning
  1838. Bubble Pop X12
  1839. Creaks And Rattles - Eerie Ambience: Low Steady Tone, With Creaking Wood And Light Chain Rattle.
  1840. Tonal Wind Gusts - Wind Gust: Eerie Low Tone.
  1841. Piano Tinkles, With Rain Stick Noise.
  1842. Orchestra Bells Pattern, With Hollow Ghost Whistling.
  1843. Funny Animal Drinking With Sloppy Lapping
  1844. Synth Tone Ambience Crescendo, With Reverb. Reversed.
  1845. Med-sized stone room-tone
  1846. Slow Bass Drum Hits.
  1847. Low Pitched Muted Trombone X2
  1848. Burning In Hell X2
  1849. Impacts, 2 Versions
  1850. Car, Horn Honks, 6 Versions
  1851. Slow Stretch, Sudden Rip, Crash and Windup X8
  1852. Handbell 2
  1853. Handbell 1
  1854. Traffic Jam
  1855. Funny Teeth Clacks and Growls X3
  1856. Large, Low-End Machine Hum With Start Up and Steady X2
  1857. Obejcts Roll and Fall With Drum Hits, Funny Drum and Pan Hits and Rhythmic Drum
  1858. Tones, Whirling: Gentle magical tonal changes
  1859. Funny Man Crying X3
  1860. Car, Revs, 3 Versions
  1861. Long Crash-Type Tire Skid X2
  1862. Drum Roll and Slide Whistle X3
  1863. Pour Sequence #2
  1864. Boink, Boing, Bounces X8
  1865. Rain, Very Heavy
  1866. Sea Serpent Rises Form Sea1
  1867. Large Roaring Reverberant Motorcycle-Type Engine
  1868. Distant Tortured Female Screams
  1869. Short Conga Drum Hits X6, African Drum Beats (Safari Music)
  1870. Taxing Machine
  1871. Intense / Grind
  1872. Horse Drawn Carriage By Fast 1; Hard Mud And Stone Surface, Distant Drivers Yells On Up
  1873. Church bell 6, small D#4
  1874. Descending and Ascending Bass String Scrapes X7
  1875. Printing Beat
  1876. Motor Hum With Constant Blips and Occasional Zap X3
  1877. Wet Beatles
  1878. Ambience Drone, With Constant Space Alarm.
  1879. Clock 4, 'Bozak', 1823, strikes 12
  1880. Carriage Wheels; Grind On Mud And Stone Surface, Constant
  1881. Cat Meows & Eats, 3 Versions
  1882. Train by, 2 Versions
  1883. Ambiance, Machine Pulse: Rhythmic doppler pulsing machine - the pulse approaches, passes by, recedes and circles around again continually repeating the pattern
  1884. Restaurant Ambience
  1885. Truck, Start & Idle
  1886. Jerky Descending Whistles X3
  1887. Female Having Orgasm #1
  1888. Female Having Orgasm #2
  1889. Nuts and Bolts, Metallic Clatters X2
  1890. Clicks, Switches, 8 Versions
  1891. Avalanche #3, 3 Versions
  1892. Sander, Motorized, 2 Versions
  1893. Cathedral bells ringing out
  1894. Eat Potato Chips
  1895. Low Devil Chanting 5
  1896. Knife Hits Into Wood, 2 Versions
  1897. Monastery bells ring out
  1898. Rhythmic High-Tech Drum Beat With Various Pops, Whistles, Etc.
  1899. Alarm Clock Rings, 3 Versions
  1900. Bulb Horn Honk, Suction, Jews Harp, Water Plop
  1901. Funny Horse and Men Snoring X5
  1902. Automatic Weapon #1, Single Shot
  1903. Synth Bell Pad Fade Stinger, With Cymbal Swell.
  1904. Jet By, Large Commercial
  1905. Crowd Boos, 2 Versions
  1906. Ambiance, Bass: subterranean atmosphere
  1907. Low Devil Chanting 4
  1908. Ambiance, Tonal: Gaseous glassy resonance's swirl though space
  1909. Low Devil Chanting 3
  1910. Low Devil Chanting 2
  1911. Low Devil Chanting 1
  1912. Low Devil Voice 1
  1913. Funny, Small, Rapid Hollow Bonks, Down Stairs, Descending Drum X5
  1914. Stretched Piano, With Reverb And Low Rumble.
  1915. Kneading Metal
  1916. Rubber Ball-Like Bounces X16
  1917. Funny Alarm Clock Begins to Ring and Suddenly Goes Wild
  1918. Drum With Cymbal Crash X4
  1919. Zaps #2, Small, Sizzling
  1920. Synth Bell Pad Fade Stinger.
  1921. Desk Bell
  1922. Watch Alarm Beeps, 3 Versions
  1923. Carpenter mending cart
  1924. Funny Motor Sounds X5
  1925. Various Grunts X14
  1926. Orchestra, With Sound Rushing By Quickly. Reversed.
  1927. Short Double Muted Trumpet Blasts X3, Short Single Blast
  1928. Time Clock Punch
  1929. Death Bird Scream
  1930. Radio Tuning, 2 Versions
  1931. Prop Airplane Start Up, Twin Engine
  1932. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Starts, Slow Constant, Slows And Stops 2, Bumpy Ride
  1933. Dentist Drill, 4 Versions
  1934. Dry Ice, Slow 2 - Dry Ice: Eerie Slow Metal Groan.
  1935. Water Bubbles, Draining and Gurgling X7
  1936. Springs Popping Out of Bed or Sofa
  1937. Orchestra, With Tremolo Strings And Woodwinds.
  1938. Dog Drinking Water
  1939. Rooks in trees
  1940. Orchestra Hit Stinger. Reversed.
  1941. Sad Orchestra, With Woodwinds.
  1942. Metal Chord Rush By Whoosh.
  1943. Various Computer Beeps
  1944. Fizzy Pour
  1945. Man With Wheezy Cough
  1946. Joiner, (Wood)
  1947. Evil, Fiendish and Villainous Laugh
  1948. Sprinkler, C/U
  1949. Wooden Dungeon Doors Close, Close Pers
  1950. Footsteps by in echoey cobbled street
  1951. Various Funny Creaks and Squeaks X4
  1952. Squirts of Water Into Bucket X5
  1953. Various High Overlapped Squeaks and Wings X8
  1954. Rapidly, Building, Wooden Clops and Mechanical Clock-Like Sound Effects
  1955. Sustained String Orchestra, With Static.
  1956. High Sustained Synth Tension Chord.
  1957. Funny Rapid Metallic Clinks and Window Shade Roll Up and Flap X9
  1958. Explosion #4, Medium Size
  1959. Vocal Boink, Quick Air Release, Bounce, Plunk X4
  1960. Ambiance, Metal fan: airy light bass tonal mechanical whir
  1961. Telephone Rings, Futzed, 2 Versions
  1962. Hell Wind - Wind: Eerie And Heavy, With Lots Of Rustling Leaves And Low End Gusts.
  1963. Blender, Medium Speed, 2 Versions
  1964. Slow Head Turn 'Wroing', Trap Drum Set and Rapid Cowbell Shakes
  1965. Sleigh Bells Shake X2
  1966. Explosion #2, Short, Medium Size
  1967. Funny, Strong, Weird, Gusty Wind With Musical Gusts X3
  1968. Golf Ball Into Hole, 2 Versions
  1969. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast 7, Hard Mud And Stone Surface
  1970. Rapid Metallic Clicks With Rhythmic Circular Creaks
  1971. Funny Clock or Machine With Click, Clocks, Metallic Dings and Dongs
  1972. Laughing, Singing and Talking Steel Guitar Pluck X3
  1973. Metal Clank Followed by Rubbery Stretches X2
  1974. Funny Man Sneeze X3
  1975. Musical, Bass Tones: subtle bass changing notes moving higher and lower
  1976. Rhythmic Bell Dings (Glockenspiel) X2
  1977. Wizard's Cave Ambience
  1978. Swinging Door
  1979. Multiple Ascending Tones (I.E.U.f.O.) X3
  1980. Machine, Stirrers: Magnetic lab machine turned on/ off, liquid stirred in large glass by whirling metal spoons. Recorded w/ left channel air mic & right channel contact mic
  1981. Cartoon Twangs, 2 Versions
  1982. Multi Pitched Crazy, Dizzy Tones and Metallic Wind Gusts X4
  1983. Church bell 5, single stroke
  1984. Dramatic Romantic Orchestra.
  1985. Swamp Ambience
  1986. Ambiance, Tonal Whir: Whirring choral textures of atmospheric alto/tenor hum
  1987. Cold Wind Gust - Wind Gust: Eerie And Cold.
  1988. Mouse or Small Animal Squeaks, Chatter and Laughs X7
  1989. Funny Horse Hooves X5
  1990. Machete Brush Chop - Eerie Leaves With Machete.
  1991. Howling Wind - Wind: Eerie And Subtle, With Small Whistling Gusts.
  1992. Flashbulb Pops, 5 Versions
  1993. Rain, Light w/Thunder, on Car Roof
  1994. Hatches, 4 Versions
  1995. Hammering Nail Into Wood
  1996. Witches Cave Drips
  1997. Rapid Hits With Small Squeaks, Footsteps X4
  1998. Horse Drawn Carriage; By, Medium Speed, Mud And Stone Surface, R-L
  1999. Psycho Guitar Ambience, With Heavy Static.
  2000. Low Brass Stinger.
  2001. Short Creaky Squeaks X3
  2002. Blowing Single and Double Bubbles With Heavy Bloop and Pour Liquid X6
  2003. Small Bell Ding X5
  2004. Tonal Ghost Ambience, With Swell Near End.
  2005. Coin Movement, 2 Versions
  2006. Rapid Swishes X3
  2007. Bird, Shore Bird Chirps
  2008. Church bell 8, Very small, A4, Hard strikes
  2009. Automatic Weapon #4, 4 Versions
  2010. Count Bills
  2011. Machine Clank X2 - Creaking And Clanking, With Reverb
  2012. Low Metallic Industry Stinger.
  2013. Wooden Impact, Metallic Junk Crashes X4
  2014. Small Bubbles Ascend and Descend X2
  2015. Bubble Female Voice
  2016. Rapid Whirling and Twirling Whistle X7
  2017. Male Coughs
  2018. English Horn Talking and Playing X3
  2019. Ambiance, Machine Textures: Steady atmospheric layers of mid bass mechanical tones
  2020. Sparkle Wind - Wind: Eerie And Distant, With Close Brass Chimes.
  2021. howling wind in highland village
  2022. Bell and Gong Hits X3
  2023. Explosions and Shot Gun Blasts X9
  2024. Rapid Metallic Squeaks X2
  2025. CD Play
  2026. Several Boings With Various Decay Lengths X17
  2027. Dish Rattles, Sneeze, Pop, Snore X3
  2028. Dragon Falls1
  2029. Explosion #12, Large, Booming
  2030. Drinking, 5 Versions
  2031. Electrical Arcing #1, 2 Versions
  2032. 3 Horse Drawn Wagons; By Slow, Grass Surface, L-R, With Light Bg Wind Through Trees
  2033. Small Crackling Fire
  2034. Wood Doors, O/C, 6 Versions
  2035. Rain, Medium Heavy Onto Awning
  2036. Boy Screaming X5
  2037. Breath Wind - Wind: Eerie And Cold, With Occasional Breath Exhales And Low End Rumbles.
  2038. Oooweeaaa' Horn Sounds X4
  2039. Funny Man Sneezes X5
  2040. Ghost Crowd 1
  2041. Door Slams, 4 Versions
  2042. Animal Growl With Chime
  2043. Helicopter Hover, Huey Int
  2044. Funny Man Sneezes X6
  2045. Rattley Wooden Ratchet-Like Spin X4
  2046. Clock Ticks (I.E. Game Show Timer)
  2047. Clock 6, 'Bozak', 1830, strikes 12
  2048. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Very Slow, L-R, Mud And Stone Surface
  2049. Ambiance, Mid Bass Drone: medium light drone with very subtle changing pulse
  2050. Objects Fall and Crash With Some Male Grunts X3
  2051. Villainous and Funny Laugh X9
  2052. Village church bell
  2053. Funny, Repetitive and Rapid, Metal Squeaks X2
  2054. Pour Sequence #3
  2055. Open Horse Drawn Carriage; Constant Trot, Cobbled Street Surface
  2056. Horse Drawn Carriage; Idle 3, Infront Of Horse Team With Bridle Movement And Horses Jaws Chewing
  2057. Throaty Growls With Footsteps X3
  2058. Sea Serpent Rises Form Sea2
  2059. Short Mechanical Scrape X2
  2060. Female Breathing, Scared 1
  2061. Various Funny Knocked Unconscious Sounds With Birds
  2062. Female Breathing, Scared 2
  2063. Coffee Can Lid Open, 2 Versions
  2064. Zaps #1, Medium-Short Length
  2065. Dry Ice, Crying - Metal Crying Tones
  2066. Punch Reactions, 2 Versions
  2067. Fizzy Blasts
  2068. Large Gun Fires, Single Shot
  2069. Lion Growl X3
  2070. Clock 9, 19th Century, strikes 1
  2071. Clock 9, 19th Century, strikes 2
  2072. Funny Radio Static or Deflating Sound Effect
  2073. Radio Tuning, Shortwave
  2074. Rooster Crows, Classic
  2075. Horse Drawn Carriage; Up, Constant And Stop 2, Cobbled Surface, Light Bg Walla And Horse Whinnies
  2076. Horse Drawn Carriage; Slow By, Cobbled Street Surface, Sparse Street Walla In Bg, Bell Toll And Hor
  2077. Rain, Heavy, on Car Roof
  2078. Golf Ball Hit #2
  2079. Rumble Wind - Wind: Eerie Tones, With Low Rumble.
  2080. Jail Door, 3 Versions
  2081. Single brass bell 3 F#5
  2082. Cartoon Spits, 4 Versions
  2083. Button Pushes, 5 Versions
  2084. City street 01, busy
  2085. Evil Man Laughs X6
  2086. Farts, 5 Versions
  2087. Monster Footsteps
  2088. Helicopter By, Bell 47 Chopper
  2089. Wet Goopy Reverberant Impact X3
  2090. Girl Breath By X5
  2091. Car, Peel Out, 4 Versions
  2092. Hollow Drum Impact X5
  2093. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Slow 1, Tarmac Surface, Rolls Over Wooden Plank At End
  2094. Low Devil Voice 2
  2095. Funny Engine Steady With Hollow Clops
  2096. Hanging Rope Elements
  2097. Funny Rapid Sawing Then Bell and Bonk
  2098. Foot Stomps, Steps, Tap Dance X5
  2099. Explosion #6, Large, Distant
  2100. Horror Tonal Ambience.
  2101. Rapid Twirls (Whiz Whistle) And Cyclone Whistles X2
  2102. Bounce Then Metallic Bonk, Thump and Rattle X4
  2103. Sea Serpent Screams
  2104. Ambiance, Bass Tonal Drone: textures of whirring machinery like the inside of a giant traveling space ship
  2105. Woman Screaming 2
  2106. Windy stone room
  2107. Shop Door Bell
  2108. Horses Galloping, 2 Versions
  2109. Stream #2, Medium Size
  2110. Dry Ice, Groan, Metallic Groan
  2111. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Slow Constant With Hoof Beats, Stone Surface
  2112. Gum Wrapper, Open & Chew Gum
  2113. Wooden Crunch and Trumpet Blurp, Metal Ratchet and Door Slam
  2114. Bathtub Drain
  2115. .22 & .357 Magnum Fire, C/U
  2116. Rips
  2117. Many Horse Drawn Carriages; By 1, Various Paces, Cobbled Street Surface, Light Bg Walla
  2118. Machine Steady With Rhythmic Metallic Clucks and Miscellaneous Mechanical Sounds
  2119. Funny Rapid Wet Juicy Slurpy Sounds
  2120. Sub Heartbeat - Heartbeat: Very Low Eeries Sub Frequency, Speeding Up.
  2121. Dog Growls, Snarls & Snorts
  2122. Musical Shrinking With Cloth Rips, Short Smack and Musical Stretch
  2123. Small Squeaks With Water Bubbles
  2124. Cymbal Crash With Ascending Tones and Bass Drum Hits With Descending Gliss X3
  2125. Airy Machine Wind Up Down
  2126. Fly Sounds X5
  2127. Dragon Fire Whooshes
  2128. Quick Short Record Scratch-Like Rips X4
  2129. Dry Ice, Long Varied - Metal Long Varied Screeches
  2130. Bulb Horn Honk and Slow Descending and Ascending Whistle X2
  2131. Whispering
  2132. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast 4, Sandy Surface
  2133. barrel maker 03
  2134. Avalanche #2, 2 Versions
  2135. Swirly Fizz
  2136. Various Old Car Horns X8
  2137. Boing and Wood Twang, Musical Boing
  2138. Various Old Car Horns X2
  2139. Short Ratchet Clicks X2
  2140. Witches Cave Ambience
  2141. City street 02, light activity
  2142. Cuckoo Clock With Ticks, Small Gong and Cuckoo Bird 'Coo-Coo's' X8, Cuckoo X2
  2143. Automatic Weapon #3, 3 Versions
  2144. Bulb Horn Honk X5
  2145. Snare Drum Roll X9
  2146. Clock 1, 17th Century, strikes 12
  2147. Metal Journey
  2148. Helicopter Blades Start and Steady Then Malfunction
  2149. Reversed Water Phone Stinger.
  2150. Stretch-Like Jacking-Up Ratchet and Wooden Ratchet-Like Clicks
  2151. Male Choked
  2152. Mechanical Ratchet With Metallic Gear Clicks and Clanks #2
  2153. Whistles and Bell X2
  2154. Horn, Train & Fog: 1 long melodious, ambient, reverberant toot of a cross between a train whistle and a fog horn
  2155. Rocking Chair - Eerie Wood Creaks, Reversed.
  2156. Pentatonic Chimes
  2157. Splashy Movement Through Thick Goopy Liquid X4
  2158. Machine, Wind Up/Down: Large centrifuge clicks on, winds up and down. Left channel air mic, right channel contact mic
  2159. Low Tones - Eerie Ambience: Low Tones, With Rumble.
  2160. Rapid Reverberant Crunches and Chewing X4
  2161. Horse Drawn Carriage; Up, Constant And Stop, Cobbled Street Surface, Some Bg Walla - No Hoof Beats
  2162. Telephone, Futzed Busy Signal
  2163. Horse Drawn Carriage; Idle 2, Driver's Pov, With Horse Tail Swishes And Restless Hoof Movement On G
  2164. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Starts, Accelerates To Fast Constant, Slows And Stops - No Hoof Beat
  2165. Muted Trumpet and Gauge Horn X3
  2166. Horror Tonal Ambience, With Low Choir Drone.
  2167. Bugle Fanfare X6
  2168. Lathe, Motorized
  2169. Windshield Wiper Squeaks, Rocking Motion Squeaks and Rolling Creak
  2170. Dramatic Orchestra
  2171. Thin Metallic Pot or Pan Hits X8
  2172. Answering Machine Fast Forwarding
  2173. Hilarious Man Laughing, Big Devil Laugh X3
  2174. Man Laughs Hilariously
  2175. Flapping, Bonks, Crashes X6
  2176. Low Dream Tone Ambience.
  2177. Ambiance Low Bass: subterranean atmosphere
  2178. Electric Shaver, or Large Machine
  2179. Horse Drawn Carriage; Starts, Accelerates To Fast Constant Then Away, Mud And Stone Surface
  2180. High Pitch Electric Saw Cutting Steady and Electric Motor Wind Up X2
  2181. Stapler
  2182. Bounce - 'Boing' X3
  2183. Potato Chip Bag Open, 2 Versions
  2184. Processed Children Singing
  2185. Car, Away, 2 Versions
  2186. Wind Chime Gust 2 X2 - Eerie Ambience: Breathy Wind Gusts, With Heavy Wind Chimes And Bubbles. Long Version.
  2187. Horse Drawn Carriage; Medium To Fast Pace By, Cobbled Street Surface, Some Light Bg Walla
  2188. Funny Man Snoring X2 #2
  2189. Funny Man Snoring X2 #1
  2190. Peacocks cry x3
  2191. Screen Door Creak
  2192. Dog Whines & Cries
  2193. Boxing or Fire Bell Hits X8
  2194. Hilarious Man Giggles and Laughs Boisterously X2
  2195. Metal Grind Down
  2196. Church Bell Strikes
  2197. Woman Laughs With Short 'Haw-Haw' X2
  2198. Splashes, 4 Versions
  2199. Low Tunnel Wind Gust 1 - Wind Gust: Eerie And Low Tunnel Tone, With Reverb.
  2200. Large Bubbles Rise to Surface With 'Bloop' Sound X4
  2201. Tunnel Waves - Eerie Ambience: Ocean Water Waves, With Low Rumble.
  2202. Trapdoor Lever Mechanism X3
  2203. Funny Suppressed Laughter, Men, Boys Laugh X4
  2204. Multiple Wolves Crying 2
  2205. Various Single Car Horn Honks, Beeps, Chirps X13
  2206. Old Alarm Clock Ring With Shut Off X2
  2207. Raspberries and Various 'Bblp' Type Razzes X12
  2208. Dry Ice, Clean Tone - Metal Clean Tone Fade
  2209. Concertina Tremolo (I.E. Rapid Fluttering Sound) X4
  2210. Breath Wind Gust - Wind Gust: Eerie And Cold, With Reverb Breath Added.
  2211. Prop Airplane Takeoff, C-130
  2212. Large Metal Door O/C
  2213. Small farmyard dog barking
  2214. Funny Man Snoring With Long, Medium/High Pitched
  2215. Tone Clusters - Eerie Ambience: Multiple Distant Wind Tones, With Reverb.
  2216. Barrels thrown onto wagon
  2217. Female Heavy Breathing 1
  2218. Female Heavy Breathing 2
  2219. Door Latches Locked, 3 Versions
  2220. Dragon Falls2
  2221. Dragon Roars and Breaths Fire 2
  2222. Prop Airplane By W/ Jet Assist
  2223. Multiple Wolves Crying 1
  2224. Monks chanting laudes
  2225. Ambiance, Machine: Steady running of weird little machine
  2226. Evil, Crazy and Stupid Laugh X5
  2227. Ascending Slide Whistle and Alarm Clock-Like Bell X2
  2228. Windy Heartbeat - Heartbeat: Steady, With Eerie Wind Ambience.
  2229. Ghost Crowd 2
  2230. Rapid Back and Forth Clock Ticks With Hollow Bongo-Like Tic-Tocks
  2231. Musical Two-Toned Guitar String Plucks X2
  2232. Door Bells, 2 Versions
  2233. Bang, Metal: Big heavy low reverberant metal hit
  2234. Waves #1, Medium Size
  2235. Push Button Telephone Dials 0-9
  2236. U.f.O. Reverberant Sounds X8
  2237. Metallic Ringout, Thump, Rattle, Ratchet and Bang X4
  2238. Dry Ice, Slow 3 - Dry Ice: Eerie Slow Metal Groan.
  2239. Metal Crank 2 - Eerie Crank, With Pre-Delay And Reverb.
  2240. Fanfare 'Ta Da!'
  2241. Aluminum Cans Fall and Roll X2, Glass Shatters
  2242. Goat Baas
  2243. Funny Group of Men Run With Grunts and Vocals
  2244. Alarm #1, Rapid Buzzing Tones
  2245. Elephant Trumpets X3
  2246. Circular Items Roll of Counter and Crash, Fall and Tumble X3
  2247. Lion or Tiger Vicious Growl X3
  2248. Tremolo Horror String Fade, With Reverb And Low Rumble.
  2249. churchbell 3 single stroke
  2250. Descending Horn Stinger, With Synth Pad.
  2251. Spell/Potion Takes Effect1
  2252. Wet Reverberant Squishy Impact X2, Pop, Impact and Plop X3
  2253. Chicken Sneeze, Human Imitation of a Mad Chicken
  2254. Car Alarm, 4 Versioins
  2255. Short Electrical Sizzle, Roaring X3
  2256. Male & Female Moaning
  2257. Hell House Short Groan 1 X5 - Wood Groan: Eerie Hell House Floor Creaks, With Reverb.
  2258. Light Horse Drawn Carriage; Up, Constant And Stop 1, Cobbled Surface, Light Bg Walla On Up - Medium
  2259. Low Pitched Swish X3
  2260. Funny Motor With Engine Flutter X4
  2261. Golf Ball Hit #1
  2262. City street 03, light activity
  2263. Low Monk Choir Drone.
  2264. Big Inhale and Blow Into Balloon With Weird Spacey Sounds X2
  2265. Long Slow Strain Stretch With Release X3
  2266. Low Devil Growl
  2267. Padlock, O/C
  2268. Man Snoring X4
  2269. Explosion #5, Large, Medium Distant
  2270. Demonic Laugh 3
  2271. Mechanical Critters
  2272. Group of Bustling Footsteps and Miscellaneous Clattering
  2273. Bats Squeal, High-Pitched
  2274. Bubbles, Ascending
  2275. High Spinning Synth Stinger.
  2276. Stream #3, Large
  2277. Bat Attack
  2278. Bar Ambience
  2279. Lion Growls & Snarls
  2280. Head Bonk With Bell and Drum, Clang With Thud X3
  2281. Ascending Short Creaks (I.E. Jacking Up Car)
  2282. Funny Chicken Clucks, Laughs and Some Talking X3
  2283. Sawmill Ambience
  2284. Toy Doll Cries Squeaky Sounding 'Ma-Ma's' X2, Inhale and Exhale
  2285. Rhythmic Rough Cloth Shining Shoes and Rhythmic Sweeping X4
  2286. Raspberry and Classic 'Thpp' Sound X3, Bonk and Deflate
  2287. Trapdoor Snaps Open, Elements
  2288. Large rev room with clocks ticking
  2289. Synth Tone Ambience Laugh, Down.
  2290. Monster Breathing 1
  2291. Scissors
  2292. Small Group of Men 'Ahhh' Pant, Tiredly Gasp 'Huh' X5
  2293. Various Stretching X6
  2294. Sliding Wooden Door Grinds
  2295. Steam and Metal Sinfonietta
  2296. Handbell 1 single stroke
  2297. Tonal Wind Rush Stinger.
  2298. Dragon Breathing
  2299. Soul Chamber
  2300. Church bells ring out
  2301. Human Suffering 1
  2302. Dog Scratching X3
  2303. Old Fire Bell (Gong) X2, Old Alarm Clock
  2304. Ambiance, Tonal: Airy Whir with swirling diffused alto choral tones
  2305. Huge Clock Interior Ambience With Heavy Hum and Mechanisms
  2306. Dry Ice, Long Brass - Long Metal Brass Swells
  2307. Boar Grunts & Squeals
  2308. Helicopter By, Huey, 2 Versions
  2309. Snare Drum Beat X2
  2310. Metal Creeks 2 - Medium Perspective, With Reverb
  2311. Underwater Bubbles - Eerie Ambience: Underwater, With Slow Bubbles.
  2312. Whistling Wind - Wind: Eerie Whistling, With Tunnel Reverb.
  2313. Man Crying With Other Man Laughing Happily
  2314. Man Chuckles X4
  2315. Zippers, 5 Versions
  2316. Girl Laughing Reversed 2
  2317. Girl Laughing Reversed 3
  2318. Various Horns Used With Boings, Bird Chirps, Pops, Etc. X5
  2319. Girl Laughing Reversed 1
  2320. Slide Whistle, 3 Versions
  2321. Low Train Ambience, With Low Brass Synth Tone Swell.
  2322. Short Snare Drum Roll, Metallic Movements and Metallic Stamper Impact
  2323. coughing cows
  2324. Dog Sniffs, Snorts and Slobbers X6
  2325. Church bell 6, single stroke
  2326. Fall and Tumble, Whistle, Impacts X6
  2327. Bic Lighter, 3 Versions
  2328. Ascending Musical Stretch X4
  2329. 19th C. Revolving Xmas tree holder 2
  2330. Horse Drawn Carriage; Up, Stop, Start And Away, Medium Speed, Mud And Stone Surface
  2331. 19th C. Revolving xmas tree holder 1
  2332. Alarming Toilet
  2333. Large Ceramic Pot Breaks
  2334. Crowd Panic X3
  2335. Foil Crinkle
  2336. Footsteps by in echoey stairwell/hall 03
  2337. Salt & Pepper Shakers, 2 Versions
  2338. Wooden Dungeon Doors Open, Close Pers
  2339. Various Pitched Short Beep Clusters X4, Computer Blips X2, Water Bubbles X2
  2340. Group Camera Clicks
  2341. Cold Wind - Wind: Eerie And Cold, With Big Gusts.
  2342. Girl Laughing Reversed 4
  2343. Heavy Bonk, Bass, Drum, Cymbal and Gong X6
  2344. Mardi Gras Crowd Walla
  2345. Mechanical Ratchet With Metallic Gear Clicks and Clanks #1
  2346. Funny Man Crying - Boo-Hoo X3
  2347. High Synth Horror.
  2348. Funny Hiccups X4
  2349. City street o4, hooves and walla
  2350. Church bell 8, very small, A4 soft strokes
  2351. Dog Barks & Snarls Viciously
  2352. Dream Crickets
  2353. Several Short Twangs or Boings X8
  2354. Tight Boing (Jews Harp) X9
  2355. Ambiance, Machine Textures: Layers of airy mechanical tones
  2356. Scary Seagulls
  2357. Flock of Gannetts Coo and Squawk X2, Herons and Various Birds X2
  2358. Clock 2, 18th Century, strikes 12
  2359. Man Yawns X9
  2360. Xylophone Hits and Glisses X13
  2361. Low Ghost Tonal Ambience, With Distant Metal Clangs.
  2362. Mechanical Whir with On Off
  2363. Waterfall #1, Medium Size
  2364. Reverberant Boom With Bird Chirps X2
  2365. Cash Registers, 6 Versions
  2366. Male Gargling
  2367. Laser Blasts X6
  2368. Several Various Metallic Impacts and Bulb Horn Honks X2
  2369. Drum Roll X2
  2370. Metallic Impact With Thud, Whoosh, Rattle and Bonk X3
  2371. Swish By, Juicy Pie Splat, Double Screech X2
  2372. Reverberant Impact X3, Object Dropped in Barrel X3
  2373. Telephone P/U & H/U, 3 Versions
  2374. Electric Shocks X3
  2375. Funny Engine Steady With Weak Chugs X5
  2376. Horse Drawn Carriage; Horses Shake Bridles X 8
  2377. Dream Heartbeat - Heartbeat: Steady, With Eerie Air Suction And Reverb.
  2378. Fry Water
  2379. Siren, Police Wailer
  2380. Velcro Tears, 2 Versions
  2381. Hells Fire - Eerie Ambience: Hell Fire, With Heavy Crackling And Wind Gusts.
  2382. Ghost Factory - Eerie Ambience: Cold Fctory, With Constant Tone And Steam.
  2383. Musical Stretch 'Bewwwhip' Sound X6
  2384. Sea Serpent Tail Whip Lashes X3
  2385. Metal Dungeon Doors Shut, Close Pers
  2386. Telephone Rings, Electronic
  2387. Big Pig Squeal
  2388. Wood Creaks
  2389. Ambiance, Tonal Fog & Horn: Mixed tones rise & fall through fog w/ light intermittent low moaning fog horns beginning and ending w/ textured air and ending w/ hint of final horn.
  2390. Twangy Boing (Jews Harp) X3
  2391. Metal Zings
  2392. Laser Ray Gun Firing X2
  2393. Ambiance, Mid Bass: airy palpitating machine running
  2394. Silverware Movement w/Dish Clinks
  2395. Wood Crashes, 3 Versions
  2396. Various Cat Meows and Yowls X4
  2397. Horror/Sci-Fi Background #5
  2398. Horror/Sci-Fi Background #4
  2399. Muted Trumpet Calls X6
  2400. Low Pitched, Short Bassoon Melody X2
  2401. Horror/Sci-Fi Background #1
  2402. Horror/Sci-Fi Background #3
  2403. Horror/Sci-Fi Background #2
  2404. Dry Ice, Fades X4 - Dry Ice: Eerie Metal Medium Fades.
  2405. Low Pitched Two-Toned Avon Doorbell
  2406. Large central echoey courtyard
  2407. Various Oscillating Tones, Beeps and Radio Tuning X9
  2408. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Start, Short Slow Roll And Stop 1
  2409. Ambiance, Machine Pulse: Rhythmic slow reverberant heaving, pounding of heavy metal machine
  2410. Car, Performing Maneuvers
  2411. Crunchy Bites, Beep, Repeating Tone X3
  2412. Quick Pop Followed by Teeth Chatter X2, Rapid Plastic-Like Bouncing Clicks
  2413. Canned Ripple
  2414. Funny Spit X10
  2415. Siren, Yelper
  2416. Slow Animal Growl
  2417. Clickety Tickety Hum
  2418. Ambiance, Tonal Gas: Steady intense swirl of gas inside a heavy metal pipe
  2419. Funny Dog Sounds X6
  2420. Big Tibetan Horn.
  2421. Clock 3, 18th Century, ticks
  2422. Horse Drawn Carriage; Slow By, Cobbled Street Surface, Small Yell From Driver At Front
  2423. Circular Motion Whistle With Streak and Drum X4
  2424. Horn Ascending Four Times (I.E. Sneeze Build-Up) X3
  2425. Single Various, Thin, Small Metallic Impacts X10
  2426. Drips Change Into Mechanical Clock-Like Tempo
  2427. Churchbell 4. Large, F3
  2428. Money Movement, 2 Versions
  2429. Wolf Howls, Multiple
  2430. Air Tunnel 2 - Eerie Ambience: Constant Air Through Tunnel, With Distant Air Bursts.
  2431. Glass Crashes, 5 Versions
  2432. Distant Metal Scrape - Eerie Distant Scrape, With Low Thump And Reverb.
  2433. Bell Tower, 16.5 Tonne bell
  2434. Single Cow Mooing
  2435. Miscellaneous Cartoon Sound Effects X2
  2436. Roller Coaster, 4 Versions
  2437. Ghost Crowd 3
  2438. Several, Different, Rapid Clocks Ticking at Different Pitches and Speeds
  2439. Boxing Bell-Type Ring X6
  2440. Various Wooden Crunch X8
  2441. Drills, 2 Versions
  2442. Rattlesnake Tail X2
  2443. Low Distorted Tone Ambience.
  2444. Short Bugle Sputters X2, Musical Saxophone Honks
  2445. Manual water pump
  2446. Single Knock on Hollow Metallic, Wooden Surface X5
  2447. Wizard's Cave Drips
  2448. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Start, Slow Constant Trundle And Stop 2
  2449. Metal Door O/C & Shaken
  2450. Train Horns, 7 Versions
  2451. High Shimmer Stinger By.
  2452. Pour Sequence #1
  2453. Xerox Machine
  2454. Evil Gallow Ambience
  2455. Descending Xylophone Glisses X5
  2456. Wood Door O/C w/Creaks, 2 Versions
  2457. Rhythmic and Funny Knocks on Door X6
  2458. Car Crash, Over Cliff
  2459. Whistling Wind Gust - Wind Gust: Eerie And Heavy, With High Whistle.
  2460. Old Alarm Clock, School Bell Ring
  2461. Ankinga Birds With Squeaky Squawks, Crows, Owls, Killdeers X7
  2462. Dog Cries
  2463. Haunted Orchestra, With Low Rumble.
  2464. Male Breathing, Scared
  2465. Jet Take Off & By, 4 Versions
  2466. Ghost Television 1
  2467. Ghost Television 2
  2468. Cello Laughs X4
  2469. Chopping Off Fingers, 3 Versions
  2470. Inflate, Pop and Land, Airy Suction X7
  2471. Funny High Pitch Bird With Bell Chimes X3
  2472. Drum Roll & Beats X4
  2473. Church bell 2, single stroke
  2474. Horse Drawn Carriage By Fast 3; Hard Mud And Stone Surface
  2475. Main Gate Chain Mechanism
  2476. Hollow 'Bomp' X5
  2477. Witches Cave Ambience With Drips
  2478. Noisy Small Engine, Slow Steady Idle, Wind-Up Toy and Toy Machine Gun X3
  2479. Female Choir Ambience Fade.
  2480. Kissing, 3 Versions
  2481. Shop bell
  2482. Singe Engine Prop Plane Dives X8
  2483. Bat Hits Ball #3, 3 Versions
  2484. Orchestra, With Sound Rushing By Quickly And Low Rumble. Reversed.
  2485. Large stone room-tone very low level use only
  2486. Slow Pig Squeals
  2487. Baby Cries & Laughs, 2 Versions
  2488. Timpani Drum Hits and Long Rolling Explosion X5
  2489. Engine Revs With Vocal Growls X4
  2490. Dog Whines, 2 Versions
  2491. Descending and Ascending Accordion X4
  2492. Grandfather Clock Ticks & Chimes
  2493. Rhythymic Spurts
  2494. Car, Revs, 4 Versions
  2495. Processed Group Singing 2
  2496. Tight Timpani Drum Impacts X3
  2497. Metal Hit With Whistle, Bonk, Thump and Rattle X4
  2498. Hairspray, Aerosol & Pump, 6 Versions
  2499. Running Blind
  2500. Rapid Musical Scrapes, Rapid Sniffs and Razz
  2501. Ascending Glisses (Glockenspiel) X2
  2502. Metal Gate X3 - Opening Screech, With Reverb
  2503. Dog Yelps, High-Pitched
  2504. Reverse Animal Growl
  2505. Underwater Male Voice X5
  2506. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Trotting Pace With Hoof Beats, Stone Surface, Occaisional Horse Snor
  2507. Horse Drawn Carriage By Fast 5; Hard Mud And Stone Surface
  2508. 'Shave and a Haircut' Tap Dance With Splashes X1, Water Splash X6
  2509. Funny Snickering Man Laughs
  2510. Bottle Open
  2511. Rain, Running Out of Drainage Pipe
  2512. Dragon Fire Whooshes With Fire Crackle Element
  2513. Footsteps, Male, on Wood
  2514. Woman Crying - Unhappy
  2515. Human Suffering 2
  2516. Tonal Whispering
  2517. Descending Horn Stinger, With Synth Pad And Cymbal.
  2518. Cartoon Zooms, 4 Versions
  2519. Clock 7, 1850, strikes 1
  2520. Zippo Lighter Sequence, 3 Versions
  2521. 2 Horse Drawn Wagons; By Slow, Grass Surface, L-R, With Light Bg Wind Through Trees
  2522. Horse Drawn Carriage; Up, Constant And Stop 3, Cobbled Surface, Bg Horse Whinnies
  2523. Large Guns Fire, 2 Versions
  2524. Pours, 6 Versions
  2525. Metal Impacts, 4 Versions
  2526. Various Vocal Effects 'Splat' To 'Zip' X17
  2527. Dolphins, 3 Versions
  2528. Wet Snarly Vocal-Like Blurps and Growls X6, Flatuence and Whoopee Cushion
  2529. Horn, Fog: 1 ambient blow of a fog horn with long reverberant decay
  2530. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast, Gravel Surface
  2531. Message Facsimilie
  2532. Female Last Breath
  2533. Juicy Chewing or Smacking Lips X5
  2534. Alien Broadcast
  2535. Metal Hinge Squeak
  2536. Bubbles, Boiling Water
  2537. Metal Bang X5 - Eerie Distant Bang Hit, With Heavy Reverb.
  2538. Clock 10, tower, 19th century, 1/2 hour bell
  2539. Male Snoring #1
  2540. Snare Drum Roll With Double 'Boop-Like Sound and Slide Whistle X2
  2541. Helicopter Hover #2, Jet Ranger Ext
  2542. Male Snoring #2
  2543. Thunder Flashback - Eerie Ambience: Thunder Flashback, With Distant Cracks.
  2544. Footsteps, Creaky Floor, 2 Versions
  2545. Horse Drawn Carriage; Start, By And Away,Slow Cobbled Street Surface
  2546. Medium Short Duck Quack-Like Creaks in Pairs X2
  2547. Funny Engine Pop and Sputter X2
  2548. Funny Typewriter With Rapid Key Strokes, Bell Dings and Carriage Returns
  2549. Beheading With Sword X4
  2550. Dry Ice, Double Pitch 1 - Double Pitched Metal Moan
  2551. Police Radio, 2 Versions
  2552. Computer Breaking Down With Pulsing Hums, Pops, Sputters, Razzes and Etcetra
  2553. Low Breath Tonal Ambience.
  2554. Low Throbbing Synth Tone Ambience.
  2555. Rubbery and Metallic Stretch With Crash X2, Piano Falls
  2556. Metallic Creaks X4
  2557. Elevator Doors O/C, 2 Versions
  2558. Rain, Light
  2559. Toad Croaks
  2560. Rickety Humming Machine
  2561. Body Falls, 10 Versions
  2562. Mantle Clock
  2563. Bee Swarm, Interior Large Room
  2564. Vocal 'Br-R-R-R', 'Bla-Bla-Bla', Clearing Throat X5
  2565. Village, early morning
  2566. Ambiance, Tonal Gas: Steady airy light swirl of gas with metallic texture
  2567. Funny Fly Breaths X2
  2568. Trombone and Brass Vocalisations X9
  2569. Dog Growls, 3 Versions
  2570. Steady Fast Metallic Squeaks and Ratchet-Like Clunks X3
  2571. Bulb Horn Bonk, Crashes X6
  2572. Horse Drawn Carriage And 4 Wagons; Long Approach And Thunder By Fast With Very Long Away, Mud And S
  2573. Funny, Rhythmic, Metallic Hits With Metallic Rattle
  2574. AK-47, Multiple Bursts
  2575. Various Small Animals Laugh, Cheer, Yowls and Barks
  2576. Loose, Rattley, Metallic Impact and Warbley Ring Off
  2577. Whistle With Bulb Horn X2
  2578. Alarm #2, Ascending Synth Whooper
  2579. 3-4 Clocks With Offset Pendulum Tocks and Light Reverb
  2580. Moaning Wind - Wind: Eerie And Distant Tones, With No Real Air Noise.
  2581. Bubble Gum Pops, 5 Versions
  2582. Hollow Slow Clip-Clops (I.E. Slow Clock Ticks)
  2583. Thought Process - Several Different Clocks Ticking
  2584. Slip and Fall With Solid Impact, Cymbal Crash and Slide Whistle X5
  2585. Funny Man Laughs Hysterically
  2586. Dragon Roars and Breaths Fire
  2587. Low Devil Moan
  2588. Woman Snoring
  2589. Walking In Leaves: Footsteps: Eerie Walking Through Leaves In Forest.
  2590. Ambiance, Machine Pulse: Rhythmic, 3 beat, med CU, heavy reverberant boiler presence
  2591. Animals: Horses
  2592. Explosion #3, Medium Size
  2593. Glass Impacts, 5 Versions
  2594. Praying To The Devil
  2595. Wood Impacts, 4 Versions
  2596. Crying Wind - Wind: Eerie, With Distant Crying Tone Gusts.
  2597. Clock 3, 18th Century, strikes 12
  2598. Metal Clang Bonks X4
  2599. Factory Wind - Wind: Eerie And Whistling, With Metallic Gusts.
  2600. Dog Snarls & Moans
  2601. Dragon Roars 1
  2602. Quick High Pitched Zip and Kazoo Type Razz, Slurps and Zings X6
  2603. Horse Drawn Carriage; Very Slow By, Cobbled Street Surface, Whinnies In Bg On Up, Light Street Wall
  2604. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Start, Short Slow Roll And Stop 2
  2605. Funny Hollow Wooden Clock Ticks
  2606. Dragon Roars 3
  2607. Dragon Roars 2
  2608. Ambiance, Machine Pulse: Regular rhythmic pulse heavy machine medium CU
  2609. Horns #1, Party/Bike, 7 Versions
  2610. Scratching Walls
  2611. Man Laughs With Sarcastic Undertone
  2612. Cat Purring and Yowls X5
  2613. Various Laser Zaps and Blasts X6
  2614. Explosion #11, Small, Distant
  2615. Subterranean Hum
  2616. Low Tunnel Wind Gust 2 - Wind Gust: Eerie And Low Tunnel Tone, With Reverb.
  2617. Horse Drawn Carriage; Fast By, Cobbled Street Surface, R-L
  2618. Warbley Metallic Swishes X3
  2619. Explosion #1, Short, Small
  2620. Impact With Cymbal, Drum, Whistle and Bong X7
  2621. Horns #4, Group/Party, 2 Versions
  2622. Man Laughing and Becomes Hilarious Towards the Tail
  2623. Tiolet FX, 5 Versions
  2624. Heavy Chain Clanks-Like Raising or Lowering Draw Bridge
  2625. Wooden Stairs Creak, 3 Versions
  2626. Bat Hits Ball #2, 3 Versions
  2627. Futzed Phone P/U & H/U
  2628. Truck, Bys, 3 Versions
  2629. Metallic Machine Movement Buzzy Ratchet-Like Sounds X8
  2630. Egg Cracks & Crunches, 5 Versions
  2631. Space Ship Swooshes and Sounds X5
  2632. Coffee Shop Ambience
  2633. 1946 Dodge Truck Gear Grinds X3, Delivery Truck Parallel Parking
  2634. Dogs Barking, Growling & Snarling
  2635. 2 Wagons; By Slow, 2nd Wagon Stops, Mud And Stone Surface, Good Chain Rattles On Wagon 1, R-L
  2636. Churchbell 5, med, F#3
  2637. Footsteps, on Stairs, 2 Versions
  2638. Alarms Burglar/School, 3 Versions
  2639. Woman Breath By X5
  2640. Framyard
  2641. Warfare: Historical
  2642. Dry Ice, Moan - Metal Moan
  2643. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Start, Slow Constant Trundle And Stop 1
  2644. Slow Saxophone.
  2645. Alarm #4, Rhythmic Buzzing
  2646. Tight, Thin Rubbery Impact X3, Wooden Bomp X2
  2647. Orchestra Bells Ripping Up. Reversed.
  2648. Old Car False Starts X5
  2649. Pour Sequence #6
  2650. Metal and Motion
  2651. Distorted Male Screams X2
  2652. Sleigh Bells, 2 Versions
  2653. Synth Tone Ambience By.
  2654. Warfare: Battle
  2655. Horse Drawn Carriage; Start And Away, Medium Pace Cobbled Street Surface
  2656. Parrot, Squawks & Eats, 2 Versions
  2657. Prop Airplane Landing, 2 Vers
  2658. Golf Ball Putts, 4 Versions
  2659. Spell/Potion Takes Effect3
  2660. Pig Grunts & Squeals, 2 Versions
  2661. Carriage Door 4; Exterior, Loose Glassy, Opens And Closes X3
  2662. Manual Typewriter
  2663. Swish and Sharp, Slappy Crack and Impact X3
  2664. Book Match Strike Sequence
  2665. Clock 1, 17th century, Ticks
  2666. Cuckoo Clock
  2667. Dry Ice, Low Grind 2, Eerie Low End Grind On Metal Table
  2668. Footsteps, in Reverberant Hallway
  2669. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Starts, Medium Constant, Slows And Stops
  2670. Musical Coin Bounce, Beats on Pans and Clapping X8
  2671. Crow Cawing
  2672. Bubbles, Jacuzzi, Cauldron
  2673. Evil, Wicked, Devilish Little Man Laugh X4
  2674. Horns #2, Party/Bike, 5 Versions
  2675. Palace clock tower
  2676. Funny Boy Laughs Heartily
  2677. Water Sounds X8, Short Ascending Whistle
  2678. Sustained Pipe Organ Chord.
  2679. Water Pours With Gulps X4
  2680. Funny Head Shake and Cowbell Shakes X3
  2681. Motorcycles, Revs & Bys, 5 Versions
  2682. Explosion #14, Large, Rumbling
  2683. Dry Ice, Short Brass X2 - Short Metal Brass Swell
  2684. Train, Passenger, Interior
  2685. Ambiance, Light Bass: airy singing textured industrial whir
  2686. Shower in Background X1, Funny Drinking X4
  2687. Descending and Ascending Glisses (Glockenspiel) X2
  2688. Animal Breath 1
  2689. Long Creaky Stretchy Sounds (I.E. Slingshot) X5
  2690. Orchestra, With Flute And Light Drum Rhythm.
  2691. Demonic Laugh 1
  2692. Metal Dungeon Doors Open, Close Pers
  2693. Clock 9, 19th century strikes 12
  2694. Metal Crash - Eerie Distant Crash, With Reverb.
  2695. Reverberant Drum Hits With Ratchet Sound X6
  2696. Sustained String Orchestra, With Woodwinds.
  2697. Water Flush
  2698. Various Synthesized Oscillating Sounds X10
  2699. Ambiance, Machine Throb: Constant throb of a spinning machine shaft
  2700. Train, Steam Release
  2701. Church Bell Patter Fade, With Reverb And Low Rumble.
  2702. Clock 10, Tower, 19th century, 3/4 hour bell
  2703. Various Sniffing X6
  2704. Dry Ice, Tonal - Eerie Mid Metal Tone
  2705. Male Urinating, 3 Versions
  2706. Funny Man Sneezes Rapidly X4
  2707. Interior Horse Drawn Carriage; Slow To Medium Pace Constant With Hoof Beats, Stone Surface
  2708. Steam Blasts and Drips
  2709. Werewolf Howls, Distant, 2 Versions
  2710. Telephone Ring, Old Standard
  2711. Processed Group Singing 1
  2712. Laser Sounds X8, Glass Broken in Water
  2713. Hell House Short Groan 2 X5 - Wood Groan: Eerie Hell House Floor Creaks, With Reverb.
  2714. Car Horn - Musical X4
  2715. Dry Ice, By - Vibrating Metal By, With Reverb, Right To Left
  2716. Ambient Machine Throb
  2717. Clock Tower, Inside: Slow mechanical movement inside the bell tower of an old European clock - 10 rings
  2718. Monster Breathing 3
  2719. Funny Pig Sounds X4
  2720. Man Yodeling X4
  2721. Trombone Muted Trumpet
  2722. Slide Whistle Sounds X8
  2723. Rubber Ball Bounces Slowly and Single Basketball Bounce
  2724. Synthy Electrical Zip X3, Synthy Whiz X3
  2725. Dry Ice, Scream X5 - Dry Ice: Eerie Short High Metal Scream
  2726. Intense Metal Squeal
  2727. Small Group With Excited, Reactionary Mubmles X6
  2728. Glass Toasts, 3 Versions
  2729. Wolf Holler
  2730. Running In Leaves - Footsteps: Eerie Running Through Leaves In Forest.
  2731. Fog Horn, Musical: Low fog horn gently changes its low musical song with each blow
  2732. Blowing Nose
  2733. Clock 10. Tower, 19th century, 1/4 hour bell
  2734. Timpani Drum Hit and Bounce X3
  2735. Funny Goofy Laughs X3
  2736. Urinal Flush, 2 Versions
  2737. Funny Engine Steady With Noisy Metallic Rattle and Light Scrapes X2
  2738. Carriage Door 3; Exterior, Clattery, Opens And Closes
  2739. Medium-Pitched Buzz
  2740. Small Group of Men Razz X1, Angry Razz X3
  2741. Helicopter By, 2 Versions
  2742. Orchestra Bells Rising. Reversed.
  2743. Various Short Burps, Grunts, Hiccups X3
  2744. Single brass bells, 1 C#5
  2745. Clock 4, 'Bozak', 1823, Ticks
  2746. Belches, 5 Versions
  2747. Main Gate Closes
  2748. Hell Rachet X2 Chain - Eerie Metal Ratchet Clanking With Reverb.
  2749. Group of Seals Bark and Growls X6
  2750. Short String Plucks X9
  2751. Funny Crazy Man Laughing X2
  2752. Long Metal Hinge Squeak2
  2753. Various Impacts, Parachute Open, Rug Shook Out X6
  2754. Musical, Bass Note: very low bass surreal coherent note
  2755. Low Sub Stinger.
  2756. 3 Horse Drawn Carriages; Start, By And Away, Cobbled Street Surface, L-R
  2757. Wizard's Potion Fizzes and Explodes
  2758. Man Laughs Hilarious Build Then Dies at Tail
  2759. Metal Thunder Stinger - Eerie Ambience: Low Thunder Clap Stinger, With Metal Scrape. Reversed.
  2760. Long Metal Hinge Squeak
  2761. Village morning 02
  2762. Potion Explosive Poffs X10
  2763. Orchestra, With Low Rumble And Heavy Brass.
  2764. Jet Interior In Flight
  2765. Footsteps by in echoey stairwell/hall 01
  2766. Camel Grunts
  2767. Goofy, Stupid, Rapid Chattery Laugh and 'Duh' X6
  2768. Small Mixed Group With Funny, Mumbling Whispers X6
  2769. Truck, on Board, 2 Versions
  2770. Evil Demented Little Man or Kid Laughing Rapidly X2
  2771. Long Tension and Suspence-Type Timpanidrum Roll X3
  2772. Whirring Wooden and Metallic Objects X2, Metallic Clicks
  2773. Various Duck Sounds X8
  2774. Clock 7, 1850, strikes 12
  2775. Male Choir Ambience Fade.
  2776. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast, Hard Mud And Grass Surface
  2777. Reverberant Metallic Creak and Crunch X3
  2778. Machine Steady With Wet Spinning Sound That Becomes Faster and Dies at End X2
  2779. Creak Expressions
  2780. Single Camera Clicks, 9 Versions
  2781. Clock 10, Tower, 19th Century, Ticks
  2782. Funny Man Laughs Hard and Steady
  2783. Elephants Trumpet Angrily
  2784. Various Swishes X3
  2785. Footsteps, on Dirt
  2786. Cloth Tears, 3 Versions
  2787. Heater Hisses and Knocks
  2788. Golf Ball Hits, 4 Versions
  2789. Ice, 8 Versions
  2790. Dry Ice, Low Grind 1, Eerie Low End Grind On Metal Table
  2791. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast 6, Hard Mud And Stone Surface
  2792. Boat, Factory and Train Whistles X10
  2793. Metallic Junk Crash, Whump
  2794. Train Dream Ambience 2 - Metal Train Track Dream, With Heavy Reverb.
  2795. Low Flanged Stinger.
  2796. Muted Trumpet, 'Yoo-Hoo' X3 and 'Waa Waa' X2
  2797. Carriage Door 5; Interior, Opens And Closes X4
  2798. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast 3, Sandy Surface
  2799. Ambiance, Tonal Space Travel: Whirring hum of mixed voices subtly changing texture and tone traveling through airy atmosphere
  2800. Footsteps, Giant
  2801. Demonic Ritual
  2802. Funny Engien Starts With Sputter and Runs Steady With Ratchet-Like Twists
  2803. Wooden Match Strike Sequence
  2804. Funny Engine Steady With Rapid Metallic Chugs and Hollow 'Thonks'
  2805. Horns #3, Comic, 3 Versions
  2806. Balloon, 4 Versions
  2807. Short Musical Beats With Drums, Ratchet X3
  2808. Long Struggling Twisting Rubbery Stretch X4
  2809. Magic Wand, Musical, Sizzle, Pops, Chirps, Raspberries and Squeaks X10
  2810. Guillotine Seq and Elements
  2811. Big Bar Fight With Glass Shatters, Wood Breaks and Some Yells
  2812. Ambiance, Machine Drone: Steady textured tonal machine drone
  2813. Rain, Light w/Thunder
  2814. Fry Meat
  2815. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Slow 2, Mud And Stone Surface, R-L, With Light Birdsong
  2816. Ambiance, Machine Pounding: Distant machine pounds at even intervals with air between each reverberant hit, which also sound like distant explosions 10x
  2817. Tube Bells Pattern. Reversed.
  2818. Rapid Ratchet-Like Plastic Clicks and Fishing Reel Winding Cast X3
  2819. Slide Whistle for Steak X6
  2820. Fly Buzzes, 2 Versions
  2821. Ascending and Descending Elongated Guitar String Slides X8
  2822. Polite Audience Applauds
  2823. Metal Hit - Eerie Hit, Echo.
  2824. Single brass bell 2 F5
  2825. Ascending, Short, Metallic Clicks and Creaks
  2826. Mosquito Buzzes C/U
  2827. Demonic Laugh 2 X5
  2828. Airy Scrape, Block Hits X3
  2829. Wet Splats and Various Mushy Impacts X9
  2830. Dry Ice, Low Tone - Metallic Low Tone
  2831. Synth Horror Tone Ambience Clusters, Pitched Down.
  2832. Balloon Pop and Funny Air Release, Whistley Tone X2
  2833. Funny Small Creature With Various Growls, Laughs and Hiccups X3
  2834. Dog Sneezes
  2835. Clock 10, Tower, 19th Century, 'driver' mechanism
  2836. Ricochets, C/U, 5 Versions
  2837. Metal Vibrations
  2838. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast And Into Stone Arched Entrance 1, Gravel - Stone Surface - Medium Per
  2839. Clock 6, 'Bozak', 1830, Ticks
  2840. Monster-Like Groans, Throaty, Gargley, Choking, Spooky and Raspy X3
  2841. Multi Pitched, Buzzy, Scratchy U.f.O. Sounds X5
  2842. Basketball, High School Gym
  2843. Ambiance, Machine Pulse: Rhythmic reverberant pounding of heavy metal machine
  2844. Small Quick Wood Creak and Small Rapid Twisting Squeaks X2
  2845. Funny Engine Steady With Rhythmic Booms, Chugs and Dies X3
  2846. Train Dream Ambience 1 - Metal Train Track Dream, With Heavy Reverb.
  2847. Small Group of Men With Various Grunts X4
  2848. Magic Cave Drips
  2849. Various Swishes X8 #2
  2850. Various Swishes X8 #1
  2851. Clock Bell Striker Mechanism, 1823
  2852. Cymbal Crash and Boing, Quick Stop With Impact (Jews Harp) X5
  2853. Running Beatles
  2854. Wind-Up Antique Clock
  2855. Spell/Potion Takes Effect2
  2856. Tunnel Wind - Wind: Eerie Through Tunnel, With Low End Rumble
  2857. Boxing Bell, 2 Versions
  2858. Electrical Arcing #2
  2859. Unlocking Door & Keys Jingling
  2860. Human Whistle X8
  2861. Demonic Voice
  2862. Clock 8, 19th century, strikes 2
  2863. Sky Rocket
  2864. Fast Rhythmic Metal Squeaks and Light Click-Like Thunks
  2865. High Synth Crescendo.
  2866. Quick, Rapid Swish and Tight, Rubbery Impacts, Down Stairs and Metal Bang X3
  2867. Crowd Chanting 'Kill'
  2868. Water, Bubbling: CU intense bubbling of massive slightly metallic reservoir of water w/ occasional light tings and pings
  2869. Wind Chime Gust 1 X3 - Eerie Ambience: Breathy Wind Gusts, With Ehavy Wind Chimes And Bubbles. Short Version.
  2870. Rain, Medium Heavy w/Heavy Thunder
  2871. Saws, 5 Versions
  2872. Debris Crashes, 4 Versions
  2873. Ambiance, Machine Pulse: Rhythmic 3 beat steamy mechanical pulse more distant
  2874. Low Fluctuating Synth Tone Ambience.
  2875. Morning Grind
  2876. Sharp, Reverberant, Rapid Swishes X3
  2877. Car, Tire Squeals, Erratic Driving
  2878. Leaf Movement - Footsteps: Eerie Light Walking Through Leaves In Forest.
  2879. Windshield Wipers
  2880. Nifty Drill
  2881. African Drum Beats With Funny Male Vocals
  2882. Metallic Impact, Creak and Impact, Scrape, Rattle and a Thunk X4
  2883. Mondo Water Glug
  2884. Distorted Female Voice
  2885. Clock Tower, 19th century, chimes
  2886. Spray and Plastic Bonks
  2887. Fax Machine
  2888. Football Kick, 2 Versions
  2889. Piccolo Playing Various Short Trills
  2890. Harp Boings for Shooting Arrows X4
  2891. Vibraphone Arpeggio, Gliss and Ascending X5
  2892. Church bell 1, large, C#5
  2893. Large Winding Down Whir With Metallic Clicks
  2894. Metallic Object Falls X5
  2895. Electric Typewriter #3
  2896. Dry Ice, Talking Metal - Eerie Talking Metal
  2897. Wind-Up Small Toy Motor X2, Chattering Teeth Winding Up and Lets Go
  2898. Tunnel Wind Gust - Wind Gust: Eerie Tunnel Tone, With Reverb.
  2899. Spine Tingles
  2900. Monster Breathing 2
  2901. Werewolf, Growls
  2902. Police Siren, Yelper, 3 Versions
  2903. Gong Scrape and Metallic Chimes and Medium-High Pitched Keyboard Tones X3
  2904. Funny Man Laughs With a Sobbing-Like Quality #2
  2905. Baritone Sax Playing Blurps and Short Sad Melody X4
  2906. Muffled Screams
  2907. Head Bonks, Slide Whistle and Honks X10
  2908. Ambiance, Exotic Insect: Intense steamy insects w/ lt. rhythmic water drops
  2909. Metal Dungeon Doors Shut, Wide Pers
  2910. Cowbell Donks X5
  2911. Siren Blasts and Computerized Voice 'Red Alert' And 'Danger'
  2912. Mad Cat Growl 2 X3
  2913. Gasp or Inhale X6
  2914. Cymbal Crash X7
  2915. Computer Beeping, With Reverb. Reversed.
  2916. Metal Crank 1 - Eerie Crank, With Pre-Delay And Reverb.
  2917. Funny Spits From a Seed X5
  2918. Metal Impacts, 3 Versions
  2919. Dry Ice, Long Section, Long Various Metal Scrapes
  2920. Monstrous Growls X2
  2921. Short Up Tempo Music Track (Keyboard, Bongos and Drum) X3
  2922. Bicycle Bell
  2923. Dry Ice, Fluctuating - Fluctuating Metal Tones
  2924. Cathedral room-tone
  2925. Low And Slow Metallic Stinger.
  2926. Town street early morning
  2927. Wooden Twang X3
  2928. Bulb Horn Honks X6
  2929. Dragon Eating
  2930. Siren, High/Low
  2931. Cathedral bell tower 2
  2932. Single Frog Croak
  2933. Cathedral bell tower 1
  2934. Boiler Room
  2935. Horror Tonal Ambience, With Low Choir Drone And High Chord Swells.
  2936. Explosion #8, Large, Reverberant
  2937. Rising Moans
  2938. 25mm Gun Fires Steady
  2939. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast 1, Sandy Surface, Driver's Chatter At Front
  2940. Cars, Doppler Horn Bys, 3 Versions
  2941. Weird Reverberant Metallic Scrapes and Wet Bubbles
  2942. Stadium Crowd, 2 Versions
  2943. Ratchet Clicks X2, Metallic Ratchet-Like Clicks X1
  2944. Ship, Air Horn
  2945. Futzed Push Buttondial, 2 Versions
  2946. Rotary Telephone Dials 1-9
  2947. Clock 10, Tower, 19th century, strikes 12
  2948. Roars, Sneezes and Howls X3
  2949. Bolts
  2950. Whistles, 4 Versions
  2951. Ambiance, Tonal Gas: Intense gaseous or steamy presence with tonal texture and changing choral swirl
  2952. Large echoey corridor
  2953. Footsteps by in echoey stairwell/hall 02
  2954. Door Knob Shaken & Rattled
  2955. Single Indian - War Whoops
  2956. Lost Souls
  2957. Ambiance, Mid Bass: roaring slightly palpitating drone
  2958. Horse Drawn Carriage; Medium Pace By, Cobbled Street Surface, Light Chatter From Driver
  2959. Funny Vocal Airplane and Helicopter
  2960. Chain Movement, 5 Versions
  2961. Face & Body Punches, 5 Versions
  2962. Whistle and Watery Crash X3
  2963. Horse Drawn Carriage; Idle 1, Very Sparse Birdsong
  2964. Alarm #3, Low Pitched Aa-Ooo-Gah
  2965. Funny Descending 'Goo' And Goofy 'Gunky' Laugh X4
  2966. Dinosaur Scream X5
  2967. Twirl and Fall X3
  2968. Swish and Metallic Junk Crash X10
  2969. Cartoon Farts, 5 Versions
  2970. Door Creaks
  2971. Bubbles, Science Lab
  2972. Evil, Villainous Laugh X3
  2973. Bull Whip, 5 Versions
  2974. Roll-Up Door
  2975. Carriage Door 1; Exterior, Glassy, Opens And Closes X2
  2976. String, Solo Violin. Reverb Added.
  2977. Xylophone Sounds X3
  2978. Wolf Crying X4
  2979. Kettle Alarm
  2980. Helicopter Start-Up, Jet Ranger
  2981. Ambiance, Machine Wind Down: Drones for 1 min. and then slowly winds down with much tonal color
  2982. Stretch and Whiz Bonks X6
  2983. Ambiance, Machine Whir: Intense dissonant tonal drone
  2984. Dentist Drill, 2 Versions
  2985. Donkey Brays X8
  2986. Wind, Moaning: Textured contemplative wind gently rises and falls 4x
  2987. Cathedral organ plays during communion
  2988. Processed Female Moans
  2989. Alto Sax Playing Short Upbeat and Sad Melodies X3
  2990. Potato Chip Crunches, 3 Versions
  2991. Ambiance, Light Bass: moving air with changing tonal texture
  2992. Horse Drawn Carriage; By Fast 2, Sandy Surface, With Driver's Encouragenment At Front
  2993. Horn, Train & Fog: 2 ambient, reverberant, mournful toots of cross between a train whistle and fog horn
  2994. Twinkle Orchestra, With Bells.
  2995. Woman Crying Reversed 1
  2996. Computer Printer
  2997. Dry Ice, Slow 1 - Dry Ice: Eerie Slow Metal Groan.
  2998. Answering Machine P/U Then H/U
  2999. Gourd Rattle X3
  3000. Explosion #9, Large, Medium Distant
  3001. Sea Serpent Hisses
  3002. Clock 5, 'Bozak', 1823, strikes 12
  3003. Boats Bow Wash 3
  3004. Weather (Storm) Blustery Wind & Sea Spray
  3005. Water Laps (Small) Lazy Water Lap
  3006. Backgrounds Beach Voices of Children and Parents & Surf in Backgr
  3007. Water Waves (Medium) Surf Breaking on Sandy Beach 5
  3008. Water Laps (Medium) Water Lapping Against Wooden Boat
  3009. Water Waves (Light) Lazy Waves on Sandy Beach 1
  3010. Water Waves (Heavy) Surf Breaking on Sandy Beach
  3011. Water Waves (Medium) Surf Breaking on Sandy Beach 4
  3012. Weather (Storm) Sea Storm & Wind
  3013. Water Waves (Storm) Waves Breaking
  3014. Boats Bow Wash Fast Cutting Through Water
  3015. Water Laps (Small) Gentle Water Lap
  3016. Water Waves (Light) Lazy Waves on Sandy Beach 2
  3017. Water Laps (Large) Water Lap & Slurp Rough
  3018. Water Waves (Medium) Surf Breaking on Sandy Beach 3
  3019. Water Waves (Light) Calm Sea Against Sea Wall 2
  3020. Backgrounds Dock Le Havre Night (Cross Channel Ferry)
  3021. Water Waves (Medium) Surf Breaking on Sandy Beach 2
  3022. Water Waves (Light) Calm Sea Against Sea Wall 1
  3023. Water Laps (Medium) Water Lapping & Waterfall in Backgr
  3024. Water Waves (Medium) Surf Breaking on Sandy Beach & Light Sea Breeze
  3025. Water Laps (Small) Water Lapping Around Boat 2
  3026. Water Laps (Small) Water Lapping Around Boat 1
  3027. Water Waves (Medium) Waves Breaking on Rocks 1
  3028. Water Waves (Medium) Waves Breaking on Rocks 2
  3029. Water Waves (Light) Waves on Shingle Beach
  3030. Water Waves (Medium) Surf Breaking on Sandy Beach 1
  3031. Backgrounds Harbor Light Harbor Atmosphere With Seagull & Water Lap & Boats
  3032. Boats Bow Wash Cutting Through Water & Engine Hum
  3033. Water Waves (Heavy) Ms Waves on Rocks
  3034. Water Waves (Heavy) Large Waves Breaking on Rocks & Shingle Noise 2
  3035. Water Waves (Heavy) Large Waves Breaking on Rocks & Shingle Noise 1


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